eaglevalleyhighschool glenwoodspringshighschool riflehighschool grandjunctionhighschool courage grandjunctioncolorado honor rssgrandjunction usmc marines riflecolorado rsdenver semperfidelis aspenhighschool eaglevalleycolorado glenwoodspringscolorado roaringforkcolorado roaringforkhighschool semperfi aspencolorado basalthighschool coalridgehighschool basaltcolorado coalridgecolorado grandvalleyhighschool commitement plateauvalleyhighschool plateauvalley commitment meekerhighschool commitement
Have you ever wanted to work on Aircraft, their components, and have the ability to fly? For the next week, @troydeblock21 will be here to answer any questions you may have about aviation. Click on the link in my bio for more info or send me a msg for any questions you may have. #HONOR #COURAGE #COMMITMENT #marines #usmc #respect #customsandcourtesies #military #sacrifice #corevalues #supportthetroops #veterans #servicebeforeself #livewithpurpose #rssgrandjunction #rsdenver #grandjunctioncolorado #grandjunctionhighschool #eaglevalleycolorado #eaglevalleyhighschool #riflecolorado #riflehighschool