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Follow him in twitch به خاطر زیر ساخت عالی اینترنت ایران تنها ۲ نفر از تیم rEaction قادر به استریم هستند. حتما حمایت کنید #pc #ps4 #xbox #gaming #instagaming #gamer #games #rainbowsix #r6s #tomclancy #rainbowsixsiege #ubisoft #firstpersonshooter #videogame #csgo #gamerlife #easports #ealive #ea #pubg #fortnite #gtav #ubisoft

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Do you let your children use technology? Please tag someone that needs this message. @kingnahhlife #Kingnahh . . . . #gaming #motivationalspeaker #inspiration #videogamers #gamers #gamer #walkthroughs #headset #gamingchair #streamoftheday #easports #ealive #ea #pubg #fortnite #gtav #capcom #ps4 #playstation #psgamer #ps4gamer #playstationgamer #xbox #xbox360

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VENEZ SUR MA CHAINE YOUTUBE REGARDER MA BIO #iosgamer Back to the Top Gaming publisher hashtags #easports #ealive #ea #pubg #fortnite #gtav #capcom #mindfreak #niantic #ubisoft #bethesda #sega #activision #activisionblizzard #rockstargames #squareenix #bandianamco #konami #telltalegames #microsoft #electronicarts #disney #gameloft

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Unboxing Nintendo switch pokemon edition check it out #pokemon #nintendoswitch #games #switch #nintendo #gaming #videogamers. #gamers.#gamer. #walkthroughs. #headset. #gamingchair.#streamoftheday. ... · #easports. #ealive. #ea. #pubg. #fortnite. #gtav. #capcom. #mindfreak. #niantic.... · #ps4. #playstation. #psvita. #pstv. #psgamer. #ps4gamer. #playstationgamer.#xbox

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Back in 2010, Bandai Namco announced Tekken X Street Fighter, but fast forward to today, the game has yet to be launched. However over the years, Bandai Namco has reassured gamers that the game hadn’t been cancelled, and last we heard which was back in 2017, apparently they felt that it wasn’t the right time to launch it. For those wondering about the status of the game, it seems that we might be in for a long wait because according to the game’s director, Katsuhiro Harada, it seems that the game is still very much in development. According to Harada, apparently the game is only 30%, and that it is still pending, whatever that means. Given that it has been almost nine years and the progress is at 30%, it’s safe to say that things certainly don’t look very optimistic. We’re not sure what the hold up is, but perhaps Bandai Namco is putting its resources towards other projects and franchises instead of Tekken X Street Fighter, such as Jump Force, maybe. Either way if this was a mashup that you were looking forward to, don’t hold your breath. In the meantime we suppose you could always check out Capcom’s Street Fighter X Tekken if you absolutely need to have this mashup. قبل 9 سنوات من الآن وتحديداً في العام 2010 تم الإعلان من قبل بانداي نامكو عن تطوير لعبة Tekken X Street Fighter التي ستضم شخصيات أشهر سلسلتين بألعاب القتال في لعبة واحدة، لكن حتى يومنا هذا ما زالت تلك اللعبة مجهولة المصير. لمن يتساءل عن مصير هذا المشروع تحدث مؤخراً منتج سلسلة تيكن Katsuhiro Harada بمقابلة صحفية عن الأمر حيث كشف بأنه حتى الآن تم الانتهاء من تطوير Tekken X Street Fighter بنسبة 30% فقط، وحالياً المشروع معلق العمل به وليس ملغى كما يظن البعض. بانداي نامكو بدورها كانت قد ذكرت في العام الماضي بأن المشروع غير ملغي لكن الوقت ليس ملائم لطرح اللعبة وهي بانتظار الوقت المناسب، ولكن يبدو بأن انشغال الشركة بمشاريع أخرى تسبب بعرقلة لعملية تطوير هذه اللعبة لاسيما مشروع لعبة القتال الجديدة Jump Force والتي تعول عليها بانداي نامكو كثيراً. · #gaming. #rpg. #rog. #videogamers. #gamers. #gamer. #walkthroughs.#headset. #gamingchair. #streamoftheday. ... · #easports. #ealive. #ea. #pubg. #fortnite. #gtav. #capcom. #mindfreak. #niantic.... · #ps4. #playstation. #psvita. #pstv. #psga

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للتذكير العاب شهر 12 Reminder Games of December #gaming. #rpg. #rog. #videogamers. #gamers.#gamer. #walkthroughs. #headset. #gamingchair.#streamoftheday. ... · #easports. #ealive. #ea. #pubg. #fortnite. #gtav. #capcom. #mindfreak. #niantic.... · #ps4. #playstation. #psvita. #pstv. #psgamer. #ps4gamer. #playstationgamer.#xbox. #xbox36

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