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"There is no innovation or creativity without failure. Period." - Brene Brown
I'm really enjoying quotes lately and this one has got me good ❤️
Tonight before bed we each chose a colour of the @grimmswoodentoys Large Stepped Counting Blocks and stacked 4 blocks around taking turns. So simple and so much fun
Available soon from @littletoytribe
Merhaba Arkadaşlar .
. .
Bu sefer etkinlik önerisi ile geldim size. Bulut Egemen çok keyif alarak oynadı. Oğluşum öğlen uykusundayken abisi ile herşeyi malzemelerini alarak bizzat kendimiz hazırladık ilk gördüğünde ki heyecanı anlatamam Önce pat pat vurdu sonra içindeki balıkların hareket ettiğini görünce heyecanlandı ve almaya çalıştı en sonunda baktı eline gelmiyor keyifle kucaklamaya çalıştı
Duyusal poşet aslında duyusal bir oyundur ve bu duyusal oyun ile çocuğumuzun dokunma hissetme , tat alma , görme gibi tüm duyularını aktif eder ve gelişmesine destek olur. Duyularını uyandıkça çocukların duygusal , bilişsel , sosyal ve fiziksel yönlerinin geliştiğini farkedeceksiniz. .
Sizlerde beğendiyseniz yapacağını düşündüğünüz anneleri etiketleyebilirsiniz .
#babyactivity #evdeetkinlik #mariamontessori #activitebebe #piapolyaanneleri #etkinlikariyorum #evdeoyun #evdeoyunvar #montessorikids #etkinlikpaylasimi #etkinliktavsiyesi #preschool #kidsactivity #mykidsplay #sensorybag #montessoriactivity #instagramanneleri #bebegimleoynuyorum #bebekaktiviteleri #homeschool #earlydevelopment #learnandplay #playbasedlearning #schoolreadiness #invitationtolearn #playmatters #finemotorskill #learnathome #childrendevelopmentaldelays
Всегда убеждаюсь что все гениальное просто
Суперская игра #racoonrumpus
Есть ещё подобная подешевле с коалой
Возраст на упаковке 3+
В наборе:
4 енота с выпуклыми головами
одежда для них
кубик с цветами (на одной стороне кубик с одеждой
Самый младший игрок бросает 2 кубика ему выпадает предмет одежды на одном и цвет на другом - здесь думаю все понятно,он находит такую одежду и надевает на своего енота!
Если на кубе с одеждой выпадают трусишки, то игрок которому «повезло» снимает со своего енота все что надел до этого! победитель тот кто скорее наденет своему еноту 5 одежд!
Просто,внимательно,занимательно,весело и интересно!
Иванка перед сном просто любит его наряжать,когда нам ДОдо надоедает!
Есть ещё вариант так же играть но с перевёрнутыми картами рубашкой вверх тогда это ещё и игра для развития памяти но мы ещё до такого уровня не доросли!
#развивающиеигры #игрыдлядетей #интересныеигры #educationalgames #educationaltoys #earlydevelopment
These DIY Puzzles took me all of 5 minutes to create ☺️
I simply printed out some photos of animals, laminated them and cut them into pieces
Some are 3 pieces, others 9 and there are squares, rectangles and triangles
These are going to come camping with us on the weekend and then I'm thinking I'll leave them in the busy bags in the car
#diyplaythings #everydayplayhacks #recycleandplay #earlylearning #earlychildhoodeducation #earlydevelopment #playdiscovercreate #playislearning #childhoodunplugged #invitationtoplay #invitationtolearn #openendedtoys #openendedplay #learningthroughplay #letthemplay #letthembelittle #playathomemummy #playbasedlearning #toddlerplay #activitiesfortoddlers #littlelearners #littleplayideas
This is super simple to recreate and rebuild when the kiddies destroy
We reccommend starting your collections with these products if you haven't already!
The @grimmswoodentoys Large Rainbow and Semi Circles from @oskarswoodenark
#grimms #grimmswoodentoys #grimmsdownunder #grimmsaroundtheworld #createwithgrimms #oskarswoodenark #grimmsrainbow #grimmssemicircles #earlylearning #earlychildhoodeducation #earlydevelopment #montessori #montessoriathome #creativeplay #waldorf #waldorfinspired #playathomemummy #playdiscovercreate #playislearning #childhoodunplugged #invitationtoplay #invitationtolearn #openendedtoys #grimmsballrun
Baby elephants develop their first grinding teeth between the age of 3-4 months old. While they are seen snacking and trying to chew grass at this age their diet is still predominantly mothers milk. This baby is watching the older elephants feed and trying it out!
#earlydevelopment #babyteeth #growing #growingbaby #babyelephants #wildfreeforever #amboselitrust
We heard we had a little fan so we made something special for him ❤️ It's simple enough so that he can help build it
Turn your sound on to listen to the music
Made with products that @randomactsofsweetness owns for her little Grimm's lover
@grimmswoodentoys Large Rainbow, Semi Circles, Cars, Building Boards and Bamboo Wobbel Board are from @oskarswoodenark
#grimms #grimmswoodentoys #grimmsdownunder #grimmsaroundtheworld #createwithgrimms #oskarswoodenark #openendedplay #openendedtoys #ecotoys #imaginitiveplay #learningthroughplay #wherelearningmeetsplay #playathomemummy #notjustforkids #grimmsballrun #wobbelboard #earlylearning #earlychildhoodeducation #earlydevelopment #montessori #montessoriathome #creativeplay #waldorf #waldorfinspired #rainbow
It’s rainy and cold here today so I set up a quick challenge for Arlo to keep him busy. I actually expected him to be done with it really fast but it was a harder challenge than I had originally thought!!! It’s pretty easy, poke the golf tee into the box then balance a Pom Pom on the tee...only that balancing those Pom Poms on the tees was easier said than done!! I filled the box with playdough first so that there would be some resistance when poking the tee in and also to steady the tee once it was in place. I gave Arlo tongs but he only used them for a few tries then he decided it was easier without them...but not too much easier because he had to be very careful not to knock the balls off when placing more.
It was super funny and it was interesting watching his reaction to this as it happened over and over again, he did get frustrated and we talked about that feeling as he persevered and eventually managed to balance all the balls!
Once he was done he popped everything else away and got stuck into the playdough!
#finemotorskills #finemotorplay #finemotor #everydayplayhacks #pompoms #preschoolathome #learningthroughplaying #playbasedlearning #perserverance #handstrengthening #montessoriathome #playingislearning #letthembelittle #playathomemummy #loosepartsplay #earlylearning #earlylearning101
#earlychildhooddevelopment #earlyyears #earlydevelopment #prewritingskills #keepthembusy
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Используем карточки как один из методов изучения счета, повторения цветов, а также для пополнения словарного запаса (на английском и на русском языках). Для уроков можно либо приобрести уже готовые карточки в магазине, либо найти самим в Интернете и распечатать на цветном принтере. Пользы от них однозначно будет много. Этот же метод можно использовать и взрослыми в изучении иностранного языка. В таком случае, вам понадобится на одной стороне написать/напечатать слово на иностранном языке, а на другой стороне, на родном языке.
☝️Моей маме такой метод однозначно помог в изучении английского языка.
А какие методы используете вы в изучении иностранного языка? Какой из них оказался более эффективным, а какой не стоил ваших затраченных средств и времени?
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