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الاكناشيا. .نبتة القنفذ .
ممتازه جدا وفعاله لعلاج البرد والانفلونزا ، حيث تعزز مناعة الجسم وتساعد على التخلص من البلغم .
الثوم : ويحتوي على مادة الاليسين الطبيعيه والتي تعتبر مضاد حيوي وبكتيري طبيعي ، كما يحتوي على السيلينيوم والكبريت والذي يعزز مناعة الجسم ويعالج الاحتقان المرافق للبرد والانفلونزا .
Adios echinacea. You rocked my world for the last 3 months, well, 3 years really. Fall is here, and the time has come to dig you up and make medicine for my family. .
I will save your leaves for tea and your roots for immunity tinctures, and a few of your stems to make cuttings for new plants that will appear in the spring... and the cycle will begin all over again. .
#growyourown #herbalism #plantmedicine #herbalmedicine #echinacia #zerowaste #wellness #zerowastelifestyle #growyourownmedicine #coneflower #tincture #plantpower #unfetteredtips #organicgardening #sustainableliving #zerowastetips
An aquamarine for all the March babies out there. Available I just finished up a casting with lots of new one-off pieces and I’m so excited to clean them up and place the stones. I realize I have all of this equipment that I don’t use as often as I’d like, so I’m changing it up. I hope you all are as excited as I am! With spring, comes needed changes. Xo -Jenna ..... ..... .... .... ... ... .. .. . . . . . #jennakoo #aquamarine #prongset #sterlingsilverjewelry #coloradomade #coloradogrown #beryl #echinacia #birthstone #pisces #piscesseason #aries #ariesseason #retrograde
Here's what I know. I'm a wildflower. I'm not a finely pruned rose bush with perfect coloring or fragrant petals. I don't line the edge of the garden bed neatly and trimly. I bloom wild and free along the edge of a road or in the middle of a Prairie.
I am a river. Like the Mississippi River of my childhood, which served as a lifeblood and pulse of people from Minnesota to the Delta. I am lazy and languid. I am churning and frantic when I cross rocks and am roughened by bends. I often overrun my banks. But I am midwest mannered. I am me.
Her Wild Self Leather Cuffs: burned, tooled, dyed, stitched, and stones set completely by hand. (ALL SOLD)
Baciato dal sole!
Эхинацея считается растением одновременно лекарственным и декоративным. Эхинацею широко используют для изготовления препаратов повышающие иммунитет. Полезны все части растения – корни кроневища, листья, соцветия. #эхинацея #эхинацеяпурпурная #лекарственноерастение #эхинацеявмоемсаду #эхинацеявсаду #эхинацеи #echinacea #echinacia #echinacee #echinaceea #echinaceapurpurea #echinaceaflower #echinaceapurpureaalba #echinacyea #ehinacea #echinaceaalba #jeżówki #jeżówka #coneflowers #purpleconeflower #аптекарскийогород #аптекарскийогород #sonnenhut #punahattu