edcholster iwbholster concealedcarry everydaycarry aiwb aiwbholster kydexholster glock19 2ndamendment gerberholsters gunholsters holsters appendixcarry faithfamilyfreedom gerbersidekick pewpewlife pewpew glock45 customkydexholsters kydex ccwholsters selfdefence concealedcarryunited reapercustom reapercustomerholsters gerberkydex holsters
How to carry 37 rounds
#gerberholsters #sidekick #gerberkydex #holstermaker #kydexpro #customkydexholsters #kydexholster #glockholster #appendixcarry #iwbcarry #iwb #iwbholster #rangeday #2ndamendment #committocarry #carrywithstyle #carryconcealed #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #glock19 #g19 #glock19x #glock45 #glocknation #faithfamilyfreedom #trainhardtrainsmart #glocknation
GR26 Glock 26 Rail Adapter from @reapercustomholsters - R-C G26with Recover Tactical Rail
& Olight PL-Mini 2 holster.
#g26 #g26holster #glockinc #kydexlightholster #olight #plmini2
#olightplmini2 #reapercustomerholsters #customkydexholsters #reapercustom #kydex #iwb #iwbholster #aiwb #aiwbholster #ccw #ccwholsters #concealedcarryunited
#insidethewaistband #edcholster #pewpew #selfdefence - www.RecoverTactical.com
A better look at @GerberHolsters "Sentry" velcro off body carry holster. Formerly known as the "hitch hiker" holster. They decided to change the name out of respect for another holster company who uses the same name for thier appendix rigs.
#gerberholsters #gerberhitchhiker #kydexpro #vertxholster #gunholsters #faithfamilyfreedom #kydexholster #2ndamendment #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #glock17 #glock19x #glock45 #glockholster #rangeday #carrywithstyle #carryglock #PewPewLife #glockedc #thesheepdogdefenseproject #offbodycarry #velcroholster
Joined the Glock 43 club! I've carried an XDs 9mm for years but the grip safety has occasionally been an issue and the trigger wasn't the same after the recall. This G43 is the Talo edition with the big HD front night sight. What were some of your first upgrades to your Glock 43?
#furycarrysolutions #furyholsters #carryconfidentcarryfury #g43 #glock43 #carrygun #edclifestyle #edclife #carryholster #edcholster #carrylife #concealedcarryholster #concealedcarry #gunstore #gunshop #gunrange
Horsewright pancake style holster and carved belt. In the shop working on some horseshoe coasters for stock. #buckaroostyle #buckaroogear #buckaroogirlstyle #handcarved #handtooled #handcarvedleatherwork #handtooledleatherwork #madeinusa #handmadeintheusa #customleatherwork #leatherholster #carvedleatherholster #carvedleatherbelt #handtooledbelt #1911 #1911holster #pancakeholster #western #ccw #edc #ccwholster #edcholster #westernstyle #westerngear #westernholster
Sexy @dynamicweaponsolutions gat and little cutie pie @erlamb3.
#dynamicweaponsolutions #gerberkydex #holsters #gunholsters #faithfamilyfreedom #kydexholster #iwbholster #2ndamendment #aiwb #aiwbholster #appendixcarry #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #glock45 #glock19x #glock17 #pewpewlife #pewpew #dangerousbutgood #g19x #dynamicweaponsolutions #peanutbutterglock
That Ghost Holster is pretty sick!...Love it!!! Thanks for the tag brother!
from @gerberholsters - ghost "Sidekick" IWB holster going to @aehs9111 #gerberholsters #gerbersidekick #sidekickhelix #kydexpro #holsters #faithfamilyfreedom #kydexholster #glockholster #aiwbholster #appendixcarry #appendixholster #2ndamendment #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #multicampattern #glocknation #glock19x #glock45 #glock #peanutbutterglock #thesheepdogdefenseproject #dangerousbutgood #pewpewlife #pewpew #concealedcarrysociety
Multicam X
#dynamicweaponsolutions #gerberkydex #holsters #gunholsters #faithfamilyfreedom #kydexholster #iwbholster #2ndamendment #aiwb #aiwbholster #appendixcarry #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #glock45 #glock19x #glock17 #pewpewlife #pewpew #dangerousbutgood #g19x #dynamicweaponsolutions #peanutbutterglock
Nice holster guys! Thanks for the tag!
from @gerberholsters - Had a lot of fun making this one. Here's a unique Sidekick-Helix for a #glock19x with #streamlighttlr1 in orange carbon fiber and ghost clear with coyote brown washers.
#gerberholsters #gerbersidekick #sidekickhelix #gerberkydex #holsters #gunholsters #faithfamilyfreedom #kydexholster #iwbholster #2ndamendment #aiwb #aiwbholster #appendixcarry #edc #everydaycarry #concealedcarry #edcholster #glock45 #glock19 #glock17 #pewpewlife #pewpew #dangerousbutgood #tlr1hl #streamlight #streamlighttlr1hl #concealedcarrysociety