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Day 6: A Esclavitude - Santiago de Compostela
Can you imagine, do you know the feeling of laying on your backpack, in that square, after your walk? I recommend. It was too good. I decided on this trip, a week before it. I challenged my 13 y.o. daughter Lara. I read a little about. I decided our kms by day and stops. I bought 2 ponchos. Some pairs of anti-blistters socks, and new boots (risked ... but it went well). A friend lent me two pairs of pole. I bought a raincoat and a backpack a few hours before catching the train to Valença (last Friday I still went to work a few hours ...). We put together a change of clothes, another pair of sneakers, some toothbrushes, and a little more... And we did our (first?) Camiño. 124 km in 6 days. In the end, I picked up some stones and challenged Lara to repeat, one day, with her sister. Thank you to those who somehow share and accompany. Our. Their, your Camiño. @elcaminopeople #elcaminopeople #caminodesantiago #wayofstjames #stjamesway #theway #iperegrinos #peregrino #pilgrim #trekking #vivecamino #caminhodesantiago #caminhoportugues #ultreia #jakobsweg #chemindecompostelle #caminodesantiago_pics #elcamino #huaweimate10pro #uma_aguarela
On the way to Santo Domingo de la Calzada
Camino Day 9: Nájera — Grañon
Memories of our wonderful Camino Francès in summer 2018 — Let’s walk the Camino again in mind...
#camino #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #jakobsweg #buencamino #camino2018 #elcaminopeople #caminodesantiagopics #elcaminodesantiago #peregrino #pilgern #chemindesaintjacques #stjamesway #ultreia #hikingadventures #wanderlust #caminosantiago #vsco #fujifilmxseries #spain #españa #larioja #landscapecollective #hikingadventures #wanderlust #visualsofearth #artofvisuals
Dia 24 no Caminho de Santiago: fomos de Vega de Valcarce para o Cebreiro. Apenas 12km com um ganho de elevação de 700m. A subida foi linda! Primeiro em meio às árvores e depois com vistas deslumbrantes. A primeira foto foi logo depois de chegarmos (sol e calor durante a caminhada). Já a segunda foto foi no outro dia de manhã com bastante neve. Foi emocionante de ver. Obrigada Senhor! Day 24 on the Camino: we went from Vega de Valcarce to the Cebreiro. Only 12km with an elevation gain of 700m. The climb was beautiful! The first part was in the middle of the trees and then with breathtaking views. The first photo was just after we arrived (sun and heat during the walk). The second photo was the morning after with a lot of snow. Beautiful to see. Thanks Lord! #caminofrances #primaveraeuropeia #springtime #thewayofsaintjames #elcamino #caminodesantiago #caminhodesantiago #elcaminopeople #farrabadares #ocaminho_farrabadares #sourbbv #façachuvaoufaçaneve #ocebreiro #galicia
도화의 네번째 #산티아고순례길 4,040km
유튭&페북&네이버 #도화김소영 검색
♀️♂️ 사진, 글 by 도화김소영
본계정 팔로우 @dohwa.ceramic
<걸어온 길> 총4번 4,040km 완주
total 4time 4,040km walked
• 2011/6~7 프랑스길완주 800km
• 2015/6~7 프랑스길완주,피니스테라,묵시아완주 930km
• 2017/5~7 프랑스길완주, 북쪽길 1230km
• 2018/9~10 프랑스길 완주, 포르투해안길완주 1080km
• 2019/5~6 다섯번째 가족들과 순례길 예정
<도화김소영> / 세라믹 아티스트
도예전공 대학교 졸업 후 현실과 이상 사이에서 고민하던 중 도자기 판매로 경비를 마련해 4년 동안 꿈에만 그리던 산티아고 순례길에 올랐다. 다녀와서 말 그대로 무일푼이 되었지만 할 수 있다는 용기를 얻은 덕분에 수공예 액세서리 전문 도예가의 길로 들어섰다. 도자기를 판매한 자금을 모아 개인 작업실을 열었고 ‘도자기 카네이션’과 ‘우주별’ 등의 작품을 선보였다. 첫 번째 순례길에서 5년 안에 다시 오기로 결심했던 자신과의 약속을 지키기 위해 2015년 6월 다시 길 위에 올랐다. 2018년까지 총 4번, 4,080km의 순례를 통해 느낀 꿈과 일, 여행에 대한 주제로 책<올라 부엔 까미노>을 쓰고 작품과 강연 활동도 이어가고 있다.
#santiagodecompostela #camino #santiago #elcaminopeople #caminonorte #caminodesantiago #travel #europe #spain #pilgrims #elcamino #caminopeople #elcaminodesantiago #pilgrim #순례자 #caminofrances #까미노 #산티아고 #배낭여행 #유럽 #산티아고데콤포스텔라 #프랑스길 #도화김소영 #세라믹아티스트 #caminofrances #산티아고순례길 #같이걸을까 #스페인하숙
Il Cammino è Innamorarsi…
Does it need translation?
❤️ Did you find love in your Camino?
Don't forget to follow and tag us @ElCaminoPeople.
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#camminodisantiago #camiñodesantiago
#igerspain #theway
#iperegrinos #pilgrimage
#peregrino #ultreia
#travelgram #trekking
#vivecamino #motivation
#camino #people
#photooftheday #inspiring
#peopleof #xacobeo
Less than a week away, going to start an adventure where Jenny and I will hike from St Jean Pied de Port all the way across Spain to Santiago de Compostela. Roughly going to be about 500 miles. I’ve been talking about it for nearly 20 years, it’s finally going to happen. ✊ # ♂️♀️
#elcaminopeople #caminodesantiago #wayofstjames #peregrino #theway #stjamesway #camino #buencamino #caminofrances #santiagodecompostela
#gutenmorgen #bucketlist #spain #путьсантьяго #iperegrinos #thewayofstjames #globetrotter #wanderlust @elcaminopeople
Fent camí #camídesantjaume #caminodesantiago #camino #camí #girona #amer #anglès #fotògrafdinstants #somgirona #laselva #quebonicesgirona #paisatgesdecatalunya #raconsde_catalunya #catalunyafotos #espaiterratv3 #paisatges_clikcat #descobreixcatalunya #catalunyaexperience #catalunya #igerscatalunya #raconsde_catalunya #paisatges_de_catalunya #espectacular_shot #beautifulphoto #photoofday #clikcatlunya #324eltemps #elcaminopeople
El vagabundo
The homeless ❓ Any other tittles for this amazing picture? Don't forget to follow and tag us @ElCaminoPeople.
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#jakobsweg #caminhodesantiago
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#camminodisantiago #camiñodesantiago
#igerspain #theway
#iperegrinos #pilgrimage
#peregrino #ultreia
#travelgram #trekking
#vivecamino #motivation
#camino #people
#photooftheday #inspiring
#peopleof #xacobeo