elevadordetijera podno scissorlift hebeb ножничныйподъемник sinoboom makasl mewp plataformaselevadoras hoogwerkers arbeitsb aerialworkplatform poweredaccess accesssolutions construction manufacturer boomlift workingatheight budowa construcci constructionequipment constru constructionmachinery constructionsite konstruksi maszyna quality accessplatform mewp
Machine demonstrations during #CICEE2019, which ran for four days last week in our home town of #Changsha! ⠀
We exhibited a wide range of models from across five categories, with the mini #ScissorLift GTJZ0407SE getting lots of attention from visitors⠀
#TradeShow #MEWP #PoweredAccess #Schaarhoogwerker #ножничныйподъемник #Hebebühne #elevadordetijera #makaslıplatform #podnośniknożycowy #シザーリフト #SINOBOOM
"Our customer feedback speaks for itself and we know that the SINOBOOM brand is one of the best in the world." Terry Tibbitts, National Sales Manager of Elevated Access NZ, signed a formal agreement at last week's #CICEE2019 Expo to become exclusive New Zealand distributors for the #SINOBOOM brand. ⠀
He went on to say, "When we unpacked the very first shipment of the new machines, we were absolutely blown away with the improvements which have been made. The paintwork on them is beautiful. You can see that giving them three coats with the new Beckers paint makes a huge difference and means that the machines are going to stay looking nicer for longer – which is of real importance to our hire company customers. The welds are top notch, and the whole look and feel of the machines is just excellent."⠀
We're proud to be working with Elevated Access NZ! ⠀
#NewZealand #ElevatedAccessNZ #ScissorLift #MEWP #PoweredAccess #AerialWorkPlatform #AccessSolutions #Schaarhoogwerker #makaslıplatform #ножничныйподъемник #Hebebühne #elevadordetijera #makaslıplatform #podnośniknożycowy #シザーリフト
Great attention to detail at every stage with #SINOBOOM! ⠀
This focus on #Quality is behind each and every machine delivered to our customers around the world. ⠀
#MEWP #Manufacturer #AccessSolutions #PoweredAccess #ScissorLift #Schaarhoogwerker #ножничныйподъемник #Hebebühne #elevadordetijera #makaslıplatform #podnośniknożycowy #シザーリフト
We made safe delivery of 52 #ScissorLifts to our Japanese rental partner recently, with this first batch inclucing models GTJZ0608S, GTJZ0808 and GTJZ1012. This range will provide our partner's customers high-quality products with a wide choice of working heights, and load capacity up to 320kg.⠀
#Japan #MEWP #ScissorLift #WorkingAtHeight #EquipmentRental #RentalEquipment #WorkingAtHeight #PoweredAccess #AccessSolutions シザーリフト#Schaarhoogwerker #ножничныйподъемник #Hebebühne #elevadordetijera #makaslıplatform #podnośniknożycowy #SINOBOOM
Head to #AgroBaja in Mexicali, and catch a range of #SINOBOOM #ScissorLifts and #ArticulatingBoomLifts on display with local dealers SE-ALT & @ammec! The agriculture and fishery expo runs until tomorrow, with SE-ALT's the largest booth for #AerialWorkPlatforms at the event.⠀
#AgroBaja2019 #TradeShow #BoomLift #ScissorLift #PlataformasElevadoras #elevadordetijera
If you're heading to @bauma.official this April, you can meet the all-electric GTJZ1212E-2 Scissor Lift developed here at #SINOBOOM. Featuring an electric drive, a working height of 13.9m, and loading capacity of 320kg, this machine delivers great reach and maneuverability with zero emissions.⠀
#bauma2019 #bauma #ScissorLift #Schaarhoogwerker #ножничныйподъемник #Hebebühne #elevadordetijera #makaslıplatform #podnośniknożycowy #AccessSolutions #PoweredAccess #MEWP #WeAreLifting
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