elhefescottsdale scottsdale elhefe arizona riothouse scottsdaleaz riothouseaz hifiscottsdale bestpizzaintheworld bestpizzaintown casaamigos grandecheese joesnypizza joesnypizzascottsdale pizza pizzagate pizzahut thebestpizza thebestpizzaintown party tacos tacotuesday birthday ootd smile sundayfunday tuesday elhefeaz oldtownscottsdale thebossissundayfunday
And another June bday - Happy 24th to my partner in crime, Syd!!! Crazy how every year has changed us and our lives so much, but we’re still such close friends. I’m grateful we’ve had each other’s backs this whole time and I know that another year will bring even more fun and wild memories with you. I hope you have an amazing bday and enjoy all the love around you!
#happybirthday #cancer #bff #elhefeaz #elhefescottsdale #elhefetempe
I was super sad when we ran out of Dom P. but then like, we totally got more
Come visit me at hefe tonight and you won't run out of anything when I'm behind the bar
#usa #babes #girls #blondes #lifestyle #poolparty #health #fitfam #gymlife #hefe #elhefescottsdale #chicks #likeforlike #followforfollow #like4like #happybirthday #arizona #don #barstool #gymlife #college #health #menshealth #womenshealth #fitfam #arsenic