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Happy #emetophobiaawarenessday ! ✨ Emetophobia is one of the most common severe phobias worldwide, yet most people don’t know anything about it. •
In its most basic definition, emetophobia is a fear of being s*ck or seeing others be s*ck. However, as my fellow emetophobes know, it runs a lot deeper than that and affects far more of our lives than the definition suggests... •
Emetophobia is almost a fear of your body itself. Every twinge, every slight feeling of nausea, every slightly scary sound triggers a wave of anxiety that runs itself into a viscous circle. It becomes hard to eat (especially in places other than home!), to go to school, go to social events and even just to leave the house. It can be incredibly overwhelming, and lead to bouts of panic attacks that never seem to end. •
The thing is: no one knows about it! It took me 5 years before I knew that my fear was a ‘thing’ and had a name, and I know that others have had similar experiences. That’s 5 years of being stuck with this debilitating phobia, unable to begin recovery as I didn’t know what I needed to recover from!
Although this day is not widely known about, it’s an important yearly reminder to speak out. Today, I challenge you to open up to someone about your emet - for example, rather than coming up for an excuse for why you can’t go to that meal out or on that school trip, be honest! Let them know that that situation would be uncomfortable for you and see what they say. While we’ve all had bad experiences with people reacting badly to being told about emet, the vast majority of people (and especially your friends!) will be curious but understanding. My friends have been AMAZING over the years - since word about my emet eventually got out in my wider friendship group, they’ve been nothing but kind and supportive (and incredibly sweet!) about it.
So: use today as a chance to educate someone! Talking about this phobia is what’s needed for greater understanding and acceptance. ❤️✨ Recovery is possible!
#emetophobia #emet #emetophobe #emetophobie #phobia #emetophobiaawareness #emetophobiahelp #emetophobiasupport #emetophobiasucks #emetophobiarecovery
As it’s nearly #norovirus #stomachbug #stomachflu season it’s time to spread information instead of myths!
Common Myths:
1. Alcohol based hand sanitizers do not kill norovirus unless it specifically says it does! Try @zylast if your looking for one that does!
2. Grape juice does NOT help prevent you from getting it! This was based on grape seed oil and only as a wash for fruits and veggies not in an environment like our stomach.
3. Clorox wipes (or the like) DO NOT kill norovirus as they DO NOT HAVE BLEACH IN THEM!
Only bleach kills norovirus and only if it is out of a bottle that is opened for less than 30 days (yes bleach goes bad!) or from a water/bleach mixture less than 24 hours old! (Mix 1/2 cup into 1 gallon of water.) Above all things #washyourhands don’t touch food for others if you’re sick and remember you are STILL CONTAGIOUS FOR UP TO TWO WEEKS after symptoms stop! Stay healthy out there! #emetophobia #emetophobiaawareness #sharelovenotgerms
#bujo #sketchnotes #sketchnote #scribblesthatmatter #bujoinspiration #bujoinspire #illustratedjournal #health #stayhealthy #shareinfo
My hero doesn’t always wear a cape~ sometimes the most important work is that done in her alter-ego “Annoying best friend” .
How Rue Helps my ED
Tw/Cw- Emetophobia, ED Recovery (Authentic alert pictures- hence the poor quality sorry)
•Rue assists me with my phobias along side my other disorders and issues- my main phobia and part of a complex Eating disorder is the fear of throwing up. So because of this I hide in my bathroom a lot- probably more like a second home at this point. Rue will interrupt negative behaviour that for me is associated with my issues- coughing, retching, actually being sick etc I’ll save the details because even explaining this makes me uncomfortable. She will paw me, nudge me with her nose and face, lick my hands and face, provide DPT as a management, interrupting hyperventilating, crying- all of these things tend to happen when in the bathroom.
The one thing I take for granted? I didn’t train her to do this- I was lucky my retired SD assisted a lot in team training Rue when she was a puppy. So she picked up these behaviours on her own- I just worked on developing them farther without treats but positive reinforcement, I think this only worked because how close Rue and I are in comparison to my first SD now retired. I hope this helped shed a little light on our team and how not only Rue but my Retired girl Newt (the black blurs in the pictures)
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#agoraphobiaawareness #herodog #phobias #emetophobiaawareness
It’s National Emetophobia Awareness Day today! Phobias are amongst the least talked about and most trivialised mental health issues. Most people don’t realise how much they can affect lives and believe them to be equal to “being scared” of something. This widely held belief needs to change! •
However, spreading awareness of emetophobia can be really hard. Emetophobia is often described as the “secret phobia”, as people generally don’t tell anyone about it - after all, it sounds kinda stupid and there’s always the worry that people will turn round and laugh in your face. Because of this, we are loath to talk abut it and often keep it hidden from the world. But you don’t have to write a lengthy post about it and put it on Facebook in order to build awareness. You don’t have to tell everyone you meet that you have emetophobia. You don’t even have to tell your wider family if you don’t feel comfortable to do so! Raising awareness begins with the education of one person. So, this emetophobia awareness day, I challenge you to tell one person about your phobia. Maybe it’s your best friend, your mum, your significant other - just tell one person who you are close to (or, if you feel more comfortable telling a stranger, a person you hardly know at all!). Because that is raising awareness. And just telling that one person is a huge step. ❤️ •
#emetophobiaawarenessday #emetophobiaawareness #nead #emetophobia #emet #emetophobe #emetophobie #anxiety #phobia #emetophobiasupport #emetophobiahelp #emetophobiarecovery
May is Mental Health awareness month & I want to be more open about an anxiety disorder called Emetophobia, please bare with me as I find it hard to talk about. *TRIGGER WARNING* If you don’t know what Emetophobia is, it’s an overwhelming fear of vomiting. It’s more than just a dislike, even someone joking about being sick can cause a person to have a panic attack and Tv shows/films where characters are sick can also cause a lot of distress. It can also cause other anxiety and eating disorders. The best way I can describe it is this- nobody likes getting stung by a wasp or the pain of getting stung, but not everyone has a fear of wasps. When I was 14 I was on the bus when I started to violently cough which resulted in me vomiting, I remember feeling so embarrassed & like everyone’s eyes were on me. I already struggled with anxiety but from that day, my brain associated being on public transport or coughing to me vomiting, this made me anxious about getting ill or even coughing in public. I remember being too scared to leave my house & panicking at the thought of having to get a bus, I felt lost and alone but too embarrassed to talk about it.
I’m better on public transport now thankfully, but i still live with this & struggle a lot at times. If others around me are ill/talk about it, I then get anxious that I will too. This can also make me feel like I’m being selfish as I am thinking about myself when it’s other people that are ill. Sometimes I worry about eating certain foods that can make me ill & especially expiry dates. It makes me worried that people will think I’m just being ‘over dramatic’. I worry about things like having my own children because of morning sickness & when they get ill which is of course inevitable. This is what it can be like living with Emetophobia & if someone comes to you about this, please don’t just disregard it like it’s nothing or be ignorant, comments like ‘no one likes being sick’ just make a person feel worse. Listen & be there. I’m always here for anyone & you are never alone- Alyssa (@alyssaroseart_) #emetophobia #emetophobiaawareness #mentalhealthawareness #emetophobie #youarenotalone #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth
I think one of the biggest anxiety misconceptions is that people with anxiety can't be confident, out going and sociable. There's a big difference between anxiety and social anxiety. That's why people with anxiety don't always seem like they have anxiety. It's important to really understand and learn the difference.
sooooo my ocd has been pretty bad the past couple of months, its a coping technique my brain uses to make my anxiety better but its difficult. ive not been allowed to clean or like things on instagram or message my friends back. ive not been allowed to do certain things or say things. so today ive decided im gonna try not to listen to the thoughts and do what i want! this is gonna be tough
I remember a few years ago trying to come here, probably like a 10 minute walk away from my house and it feeling like i was trying to run a marathon. I got there and was so so so anxious i couldnt sit and had to leave. Yesterday I came in, was absolutely fine and managed to eat almost a whole plate of risotto!!!!! Moments when you realise how far youve come - even if it doesnt sound that amazing - are sooooo good.
Sometimes i think people find talking about mental health issues attention seeking - or maybe its my insecurity. The way i see it is i lived with such severe mental health problems for sooooo long totally on my own. I had no help from school or the nhs. The nhs is an amaaaaazing service and i am so grateful that i get free health care. But its not good enough that i dont get the same help for mental health. Just because you cant see it doesnt mean its less real. If you can please talk about youre experiences its not attention seeking its reality and its important! We need to be in this difficult thing called life together! (was that super cringey? probs)