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English Quiz! Do you know the correct answer? Don't worry if you find it difficult, every bit of practice helps! Remember to congratulate yourself on answering this quiz question. Every time you practice English, you are a step closer to reaching your goals!⭐⭐⭐#englishquiz #learnenglish #practiceenglish ⠀
***Please see the second slide for the answer****⠀
If anyone is confused I try to reply to your comments personally within a couple days (to give everyone a chance) but please help your fellow English learners if you know the answer!!!
English Quiz! Do you know the correct answer? Don't worry if you find it difficult, every bit of practice helps! Remember to congratulate yourself on answering this quiz question. Every time you practice English, you are a step closer to reaching your goals!⭐⭐⭐#englishquiz #learnenglish #practiceenglish ⠀
***Please see the second slide for the answer****⠀
If anyone is confused I try to reply to your comments personally within a couple days (to give everyone a chance) but please help your fellow English learners if you know the answer!!!
English Quiz! Do you know the correct answer? Don't worry if you find it difficult, every bit of practice helps! Remember to congratulate yourself on answering this quiz question. Every time you practice English, you are a step closer to reaching your goals!⭐⭐⭐#englishquiz #learnenglish #practiceenglish ⠀
***Please see the second slide for the answer****⠀
If anyone is confused I try to reply to your comments personally within a couple days (to give everyone a chance) but please help your fellow English learners if you know the answer!!!
@the.english.guide loves quizzes
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Character used: Shawn the Sheep © CBBC
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English Quiz! Do you know the correct answer? Don't worry if you find it difficult, every bit of practice helps! Remember to congratulate yourself on answering this quiz question. Every time you practice English, you are a step closer to reaching your goals!⭐⭐⭐#englishquiz #learnenglish #practiceenglish ⠀
***Please see the second slide for the answer****⠀
If anyone is confused I try to reply to your comments personally within a couple days (to give everyone a chance) but please help your fellow English learners if you know the answer!!!