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This is so beautiful.
Petition to stop the plastic monster. Check bio for new petitions and rescources
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Be a part of the change.
Scary to know every day thousands of toothbrushes enter the ocean and our landfills. Taking thousands of years to degrade. .
▶▶Shop for your bamboo toothbrush today. Click the link in our profile for more info. ❤
. .
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Be a part of the change.
School : “ You need to study for your future!!!! ”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Students: “ What future are you talking about ”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Credits : @m.fschr⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
At first I went what is that... Then I realized we are the main problem in this issue we are trying to fix. Due to our consumption we are harming these beautiful creatures.
post by @ecobikinigirl .
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Have you ever thought that a piece of plastic might be in you?
We have seen plastics in animals such as whales, fish, birds and many more, so is it possible that plastics might be inside of us?
According to a small study done by the Medical University of Vienna, microplastics have been found in human stools of the first time. Out of the 8 stools examined, all samples were found to contain microplastic particles… Based on this study, they estimated that “more than 50% of the world population might have microplastics” in their gut. Isn’t that crazy?
This confirms the prediction of researchers that microplastics might be found in our drinking water, table salt and seafood.
This sounds like we are eating the waste that we created our own. There are not many studies done on this topic yet, so it’s unclear the effect on the human body, but wouldn’t you like to know? I do…
So now, with this knowledge, what do you think we can do to stop this? #beatplasticpollution
Reposting from @browngirl.greenfeels because it made me laugh. Not out loud though because I'm at work & I'm stealthy.
#GoGreenSaveGreen #SlutsForSustainability #SlutForSustainability #environment #environmentalist #EnvironmentallyFriendly #GoGreen #SustainableLifeStyle #Sustainableliving #sustainable #Sustainability #EcoFriendly #Sustainable #sustainability #Eco #Climatechange
The 7 R's of #ZeroWasteLiving.
Which of these do you practice? And how has it impacted your life? At the moment the only ones we don't do are "replant and rot" because we are always on the go and do no have a permanent residence at present time!
But one day we dream of having our own veg garden and compost! The simple things ey?
Photo credit: @ubuntunomad
As the polar ice caps retreat, so will these beautiful animals drift away and die.
Thanks to “Global warming” and human ignorance.
I’d strongly advise all Netflix users, to watch the @ourplanet series on Netflix. As all areas of planetary climate change/issues are highlighted, throughout the entire series.
It’s so heart wrenching to see the damage we have done/are doing to this planet, every single day, and we only have 20 years left to change it, or else we are officially doomed, and the damage humanity has done will be Irreversible.
#WakeTheFuckUp #VeganForTheAnimals #SaveThePlanet