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☯ Balance is vital in your physical and emotional life. ☞The Nervous Zone (3) is the part of the brain that controls our thoughts and emotions☜ and is divided into two distinct halves called hemispheres. The hemispheres of the cerebrum are connected by the corpus callosum, containing millions of transverse nerve lines over which working exchange takes place.
⚖ Balancing your nervous system can help boost your immune system, improve your sleep, help you relax, help with headaches, symptoms of concussions and improve the function of your eyes and ears. Learn more...
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We are still talking about inflammation and the damage it can cause! As many as one in five cancers are believed to be caused or influenced by inflammation. One reason is that chronic inflammation may damage DNA. Other times, the inflammatory process produces molecules which stimulate the growth of blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to the tumor. The process also may damage the DNA.
The reason inflammation becomes chronic isn’t always apparent. It may be caused by infections that don’t go away, abnormal immune reactions to normal tissues, or certain conditions like obesity. Over time, chronic inflammation may damage DNA, leading to conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and cancer.
How to avoid Inflammation:
Diet and exercise top the healthy lifestyle list. Small changes can make a difference, like adding more plant-based foods that contain anti-inflammatory phytonutrients to your plate, and eating more fermented foods, such as yogurt and miso, which contain natural probiotics that reduce inflammation. Also, try to avoid carcinogens like asbestos, silica and tobacco.
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Are you body intuitive?
Try this exercise:
1. Do you know how to be present in your body?
Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths to relax and be ‘in the moment’. Close your eyes if you like.
2. Can you imagine an untruth, for example, "I hate kittens" or "I hate dessert"?
Repeat this statement to yourself. Observe how you feel. Note the type of sensation you feel – heavy in the chest, pressure, stabbing or aching – and its ‘size’, density, temperature or color. What you feel is the “no” of your body intelligence – the sensation of your body reacting to and rejecting the untruth.
3. Can you learn your “yes”? Reverse your statement to the truth: “I love dessert” or “I love kittens”
Note how your body responds. What does your body feel when you’ve spoken the truth? You might feel warmth and an opening of your chest, or a tingling in your belly, arms or legs, or a smile or softness around your eyes. Note the type of sensation, temperature or color. This difference in internal sensation is your gauge of truth; your body’s way of telling you what is true for you and what is not. What you feel is the ‘yes’ of your body intelligence – the sensation of your body fully opening to that possibility.
4. Now, take three more deep breaths and open your eyes if you had them closed.
Reflect. What did you feel? What else is your body telling you? I have found that my body is resilient and forgiving. If I make efforts to care for myself, my body feels better . But, if I refuse to listen to my body, it turns up the volume (neck pain). Once you learn your body’s language, you will find that it is a clear communicator and on the side of you having the life you want and deserve. Your body is you.
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Meet the newest member to our team!
John is a licensed massage therapist, here at Active Chiropractic... "My therapeutic massage journey starts with a multitude of injuries from being a high school three sport athlete. My passion to help improve the quality of life of others brought me East West College of Natural Healing located in Portland Oregon. While attending, I focused on a strong basis of Kinesiology while specializing in Structural Integration, Deep Tissue, Swedish Massage and Thai Massage. My Bodywork style is best described as: deep tissue does not need to be painful, relaxation massage is not lite. It all depends on speed, style, and flow." John has some openings THIS week!!
Call to schedule a massage:
#eugenemassage #massagetherapy #thaimassage #deeptissue #swedishmassage #eug #eugeneor #eugene #eugeneoregon #eugenelife #goducks #chiropractic #chiropractor #springfield #springfieldemeralds #eugenefitness #eugenefitlife #uofo #uoforegon #oregonducks #universityoforegon #eugenefitlife #eugeneweekly #eugenehealthyliving #Fitness #eugeneyoga
Loving the Vibrant Fall Vibes captured by Lindsey @eugeneonthecheap and submitted to our cover contest! Thank you, Lindsey!
Voting for our first ever Eugene Health Guide cover will take place at our launch event on 1-16-19. Text EHGlaunch to 22828 for your invitation.
#eugenehealthguide #ehglaunch #eugeneoregon #callforartists #photography #eugenehealthyliving #fall #fallvibes
Next Free Açaí Bowls for a year winner @ 1000 Instagram followers!! How to enter:
1. Follow us on IG
2. Tag your Eugene friends
3. Tell everyone you know about Vitality Bowls! ( We will check!! ) .
#goducks #uospoon
Zone 2- The Eliminative Zone
The eliminative zone is responsible for removing waste products from the body. Principal organs involved are the sinuses, lungs, urinary tract, bowels and skin.
Adjustment of this zone encourages increased excretion from these organs which due to a disturbance have inhibited function.
Balancing it can help with asthma, sinus problems, allergies, skin conditions, constipation, and bladder issues.
What is your zone?
Dr. Anthony Cutting is the only chiropractor who utilizes The Zone Technique in Oregon.
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#TheZonetechnique #eliminativezone #Zone2 #asthma #sinusproblems #allergies #skinconditions #constipation #bladdertrouble #eug #eugeneor #eugene #eugeneoregon #eugenelife #goducks #chiropractic #chiropractor #springfield #springfieldemeralds #eugenefitness #eugenefitlife #uofo #uoforegon #oregonducks #universityoforegon #eugenefitlife #eugeneweekly #eugenehealthyliving #Fitness #eugeneyoga
☀☀Have a beautiful weekend, from all of us at Active Chiropractic.
Where's your favorite hiking spot?
Comment below to enter our weekend drawing!
Hint: Active Water Bottle
#eugenesunshine #TGIF #eugeneweekend #eugenefriday #eug #eugeneor #eugene #eugeneoregon #eugenelife #goducks #chiropractic #chiropractor #springfield #springfieldemeralds #eugenefitness #eugenefitlife #uofo #uoforegon #oregonducks #universityoforegon #eugenefitlife #eugeneweekly #eugenehealthyliving #Fitness #eugeneyoga