everywakingmoment hangingout cityjungle aroundtheworld sunny жизнькаксон архитектурныйвосторг небесавсегдапрекрасны plants заметкинатуралиста галопомпоевропам метеосводка природа artandlife онжепамятник design night креативнаслужбеобществу цветы любознательность техническийпрогресс colourful trabajando блаженстворядом самолюбование японскийтурист дорожное продолжаязнакомствосмосквой себяшка утродобрымнебывает hangingout
No one will truly understand what a huge personal accomplishment this was for me. Many plot twists occurred while I created this mosaic surfboard for the Surfboards on Parade in Huntington Beach. Many mind blowing “wait..what?” moments when I thought okay this is just not going to happen. But I pushed through it. And received People’s Choice. So yes..I do know how to overcome crazy obstacles and thrive from it. Why I’ve done it my entire life..and will continue to. I have a lot more to say..and this is merely the beginning. So bring it..universe. I got your number. I know what works and what doesn’t. And hiding myself away is NOT AN OPTION. The name of this mosaic surfboard is “Like Sun and Waves I Rise”. And I will. #IRise #shineon #goals #getsome #focusonthegood #speakyourtruth #everywakingmoment #SurfboardsonParade #AnneMariePrice #mosaic #art #surfboard #celebratingwomen #surfers #LynetteRomero #staytrue #peopleschoice #OrangeCounty #CA #surfcityusa
After a full day of teaching musculoskeletal anatomy, kinesiology and subtle body... what to do now.... satsang and more yoga. ❤ Live your passion in everyway you can, every single day. Make every waking moment a spiritual practice. What's the phrase... You are not a human having a spiritual experience; you are a spirit having a human experience. Stay with spirit 24/7.
D o I t!!!
#workworkwork #workallday #everywakingmoment #workonyourself #workonyourdreams #workonyourcraft #workonyourhappiness #workonyourhealth #healthwealthandhappiness #workonyourweakness #workonyourgoals #workonlovingyourself #melrobbins #elizabethgilbert #lisanichols #oprahwinfreyquote #mayaangelouquotes #lesbrownquotes #abrahamhicksquotes #bobproctorquotes #jackcanfieldquote #paulocoheloquotes #rumiquotes #tonyrobbinsquotes #deepakchopraquotes #dalilamaquotes
And when they're searching for something you'll never find
#NP Brother Lee by Citizen Cope
#nowplaying #CitizenCope #BrotherLee #EveryWakingMoment #2006 #2000s #00s #instadaily #POTD #SOTD #songoftheday #nostalgia #wherehastimegone #favoritesongs #idols #favoritemusicians #favoriteartists #favoritealbums #favoritesingers #nowlistening #classic #music #brilliant
In my head, I'm already somewhere chilling on the weekend! Once I snap out of it, I realize I'm still sitting in front of a desk at work! It's all good tho, it's #humpday and we are almost there FIT FAM!! Another day to strive for excellence y'all, make the most of it!! Good morning btw!✌
#weready #fortheweekend #onhumpday #makeitcount #everywakingmoment #totalfitness #fitfam #community✌
Practice isn't always easy, but it is fulfilling in the end : love you @iamkendallnicole •
#practice #violin #instruments #violinist #teenviolinist #piano #pianist #latenight #everywakingmoment #brunette #practicing #contrast #aestheticpictures #shadows #practicewhatyoupreach #practicepracticepractice #lovewhatyoudo #spreadpositivity #workhard #perserverance #ariatomar #teenactress #positivity