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Simplicity is the essence of happiness Check out more of this stylishly furnished and bright 2 bedroom apartment in Poble Sec #Barcelona Link in BIO https://bit.ly/2CjyrvC
#SpotYourLife #home #spotahome#homesweethome #spotahomebarcelona#decoracion#spotahomespain #alquiler #barcelona #alquilerbarcelona#apartment#traveling#hogar#deco #homegoodshappy #alquiler#barcelonaaprtments#rent#expatlife#movetolive#expatbarcelona#studyabroad#livingabroad
Live in central and popular Gràcia! #Barcelona
Gorgeous 1 bedroom apartment for rent. Visit it virtually in link in BIO http://bit.ly/2KEEMZi
#SpotYourLife #home #spotahome#homesweethome #spotahomebarcelona#decoracion#spotahomespain #alquiler #barcelona #alquilerbarcelona#apartment#traveling#hogar#deco #homegoodshappy #alquiler#barcelonaaprtments#rent#expatlife#movetolive#expatbarcelona#studyabroad#livingabroad
Are you looking for a home in Barcelona to share with your family or friends
Check out this 3 bedroom apartment in Les Cortes neighbourhood link in BIO https://bit.ly/2CjERuG
#SpotYourLife #home #spotahome#homesweethome #spotahomebarcelona#decoracion#spotahomespain #alquiler #barcelona #alquilerbarcelona#apartment#traveling#hogar#deco #homegoodshappy #alquiler#barcelonaaprtments#rent#expatlife#movetolive#expatbarcelona#studyabroad#livingabroad
Grab a friend and try this simple but effective full body workout any day of the week. It will have your energy levels through the roof at the end. ⠀
You will need: Bench or raised platform, resistance band and a smile on your face! Although I look very serious until the end. A friend is not compulsory but it helps ☺️⠀
Make sure you WARM UP for 5-10 Minutes before ⠀
1️⃣ Press Up with Knee (Option on knees)⠀
2️⃣ 1 squat/1 squat jump⠀
3️⃣ V Sits (Option hold bench)⠀
4️⃣ Tricep Dips (Option bend knees)⠀
5️⃣ Single leg squat/ up and over ⠀
6️⃣ Banded row⠀
7️⃣ Walking squats banded⠀
8️⃣ Bunny Hops (Option at end of bench)⠀
✅ 4️⃣0️⃣s Work ⠀
❌ 2️⃣0️⃣s Rest ⠀
Repeat 3️⃣ times with 1️⃣ min rest between sets. Total 26 minutes. ⠀
Make sure you STRETCH afterwards ♂️(see my next post). We decided to add the Macarena for cardio too because we are in Spain and there’s always time for the Macarena.⠀
Make this workout Harder or easier by using different resistance bands ⠀
Share and tag your friends below and give this workout a try. Or how about joining me and my friends for a workout? Keep an eye on Insta and FB for details of when and where.⠀
#smileandsweat #workout #macarena
LA PEDRERA Being a real fan of Gaudi's work, it took me nevertheless almost 2 years to visit La Pedrera on Passeig de Gracia! I really recommend you to visit it, mostly for its impressive wavy roof! Everything is carefully thought to be inspired from nature, from shapes to colors and materials, and it's just so impressive to think all of this was built a century ago and that people actually lived there. Next on my list? Casa Batlló and Ametller!
#gaudiwork #gaudiarchitecture #gaudi #passeigdegracia #paseodegracia #barcelona #barcelonacity #barcelonagram #visitbarcelona #discoverbarcelona #lapedrera #pedrera #casamila #bcnblogger #barcelonablogger #rooftop #roofbarcelona #expatlife #expatbarcelona #frenchblogger #lifestyleblogger #latergram
Thématique de la famille
Et si on mettait un peu de Disney-Pixar dans les cours ? Les Petits Bavards de maternelle vont parler de Merida, la princesse qui envoie du lourd du film "Rebelle", et de sa famille. Oui, @Parlamamie n'aime que les princesses qui sont indépendantes... #girlempowerment
Objectifs de la session ? Expliquer la structure d'une famille, parler des origines de Merida (oui, oui avec un globe terrestre en cours) et s'amuser à parler et "lire / écrire" en francais ! Et après tout ça, peut être une session ciné en famille pour découvrir ce très beau dessin animé .
#parlamamie #français #fle #frenchforkids #françaislanguematernelle #classedeFLAM #frenchexpat #expats #expatfamily #expatriation #Castelldefels #expatbarcelona #francaisbarcelone #frenchinbarcelona #Barcelona #frenchonline #learnfrench #studyfrench #classedefrançais #frenchteacher #igteacher #claustrodeig #youronlinefrenchteacher
We love it when a plan comes together.
During a recent team-building event the group collaborated on this large painting (they each painted a small piece of it). It's now hanging in their Barcelona offices.
If you're looking for something fun and different to do for your next company outing or team-building event, we've got you covered. #artebarbcn #teambuildingbarcelona #privateeventbarcelona·
#paintingandwine #artandwine #paintandsip #drinkcreatively #paintingworkshop #bestofbarcelona #barcelonaactivities #timeoutbarcelona #barcelonanightout #hendoideas #teambuildingevent #barcelona #catalunyaexperience #doitfortheteam #tuesdayvibes #notyouraveragepaintandsip #companyoutings #paintwithus #everyonecanpaint #mindfulliving #expatbarcelona #dreambigdreams #barcelonavibes #bcnblogger #paintlikeyoumeanit #pinturayvino #tuesdaymotivation