falconpicturesindonesia hanungbramantyo actorslife colonialfilm pramoedyaanantatoer actor aardedermensen acteur bestseller cameraaction filmbumimanusiamovie hansdekraker nominationnobelprize iqbhalramadhan thisearthofmankind jeroenlezer giorginoabraham jeromekurnia mawarevadejongh bryandomani derkvisser donnydamara inefebrianty tomdejong chiarabrosnan dorienverdouw hamminkway petersterk robertprein salom filma
On the way -again- to Yogyakarta for my last recordings, realizing we all, the Bumi Manusia family, achieved so much in a short time. Once upon a time there was a novel which is currently growing into an impressive and touching movie. Thanks to hundreds of hands and brains. Feeling blessed to experience and be a small part of all the steps made. #bumimanusia #falconpicturesindonesia #moviemaking #actorslife #pramoedyaanantatoer #iqbaal #mawarevadejongh #donnydamara #inefebriyanti #iqbhalramadhan #hansdekraker #derkvisser #bryandomani #jeromekurnia #jeroenlezer #hanungbramantyo #giorginoabraham #tomdejong #tonfeil #kelly_tandiono #moviemaking
Quiz from my production house... In which movie do I have a role in as Martin Nijman chief editor of the Soerabaiasch Nieuwschblad? #actorslife #filmindustry #falconpicturesindonesia #bryandomani #jeromekurnia #inefebriyanti #iqbaal #mawarevadejongh #colonialism #iqbaal.e #quiz #actor #challenge #indonesia #indonesianmovie #falconpictures #blockbuster
A "novice" safely protected by two experienced and mind-blowing actresses: Christine Hakim and Ine Febriyanti. I am taller, they so much greater.
#bumimanusia #moviemaking #christinehakim #inefebriyanti #falconpicturesindonesia #actorslife #pramoedyaanantatoer #demensenderaarde #colonialfilm #acting
Regrann from @jeroenlezer - Textrehearsals last week for Bumi Manusia! Fltr sitting: Ayu Laksmi as Ibu Minke, Bryan Domani as Panji Darman, Hans de Kraker as Jean Marais, Iqbal Ramadhan as Minke, Agus Kencrot-acting coach, Mawar de Jongh as Annelies. Standing fltr: Bima-assistent director, Derk Visser as Sergeant Hammerstee, Giorgino Mellema as Robert Mellema, Jeroen Lezer as Dr. Martinet, Rob Hammink as Martin Nijman, Michel Maas as Dutch judge, Ine Febrianty as Nyai Ontosoroh, Dewi Irawan as Mevrouw Tellinga, Jerome Kurnia as Robert Suurhof, Donny Damara as Ayah Minke. #filmbumimanusiamovie #falconpicturesindonesia #hanungbramantyo #actor #actorslife #acteur #cameraaction #colonialfilm #pramoedyaanantatoer #bestseller #nominationnobelprize #thisearthofmankind #aardedermensen #iqbhalramadhan #mawarevadejongh #inefebrianty #jeroenlezer #giorginoabraham #jeromekurnia #hansdekraker #ayulaksmi #robhammink #dewiirawan #derkvisser #donnydamara #michelmaas #bryandomani - #regrann
If well lived, life can be a chain of pearls. Acting in the movie Bumi Manusia, based on the famous novel of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, was one of those shiny, unexpected pearls. Acting is indeed a profession. Now back in Holland, to new challenges and experiences.
#pramoedyaanantatoer #actor #aardedermensen #actorslife #falconpicturesindonesia #hanungbramantyo #uniqueexperience #moviemaking #colonialfilm
Minke ( @iqbaal.e ) and chief editor Martin Nijman captured by the creative fingers of Jean Marais. It seems that the current movie making, by the sympathetic director @hanungbramantyo , triggers not only acting, but also drawing. Thanks @hansdekraker
#filmbumimanusiamovie #falconpicturesindonesia #hanungbramantyo #actor #actorslife #tempodoeloestyle #acteur #cameraaction #colonialfilm #pramoedyaanantatoer #bestseller #tempodoeloe #writersofinstagram #nominationnobelprize #thisearthofmankind #aardedermensen #iqbhalramadhan #hansdekraker
Lokshoot Dafa^Kaffa#SanggarBanyu#
#sanggarbanyu #Mkfindosiar
#ftvindosiar #artisindonesia #artiscilikindonesia #artiscilik #artis #talentsanggar #talentlayarlebar #anakhitsbanget #anakiklan #anakpintar #antv_official #talentanak #sinemaindonesia #sinemart #falconpicturesindonesia #falconpictures # #rapifilmproduction #mncpictures #mnctv #mnctvofficial #tvrisaluranpemersatubangsa #tvrijakarta #sinetronsctv #
Repost from @jeroenlezer ...
Cast Bumi Manusia! Beautiful new photostills from our current project Bumi Manusia by Hanung Bramantyo n Falcon Pictures. #filmbumimanusiamovie #falconpicturesindonesia #hanungbramantyo #actor #actorslife #acteur #cameraaction #colonialfilm #pramoedyaanantatoer #bestseller #nominationnobelprize #thisearthofmankind #aardedermensen #iqbhalramadhan #mawarevadejongh #inefebrianty #jeroenlezer #giorginoabraham #jeromekurnia #tomdejong #hansdekraker #donnydamara #chiarabrosnan #dorienverdouw #salomévangrunsven #petersterk #robertprein #derkvisser #hamminkway #bryandomani
#masyaaallahtabarakallah .
Wajah-wajah yang suenenggg poll
#Alhamdulillah kami, LembagaWarkopDKI bisa jalan-jalan bareng dan kali ini untuk pertama kalinya perginya langsung ke Maroko.. Wuiiiiihhhh
Just thinking about them, brings a SMILE to my face - A BIG SMILE
Meskipun perjalanan kali ini Mb @hkasino berhalangan ikut karena adanya suatu urusan.. Berasa ada yang kurang mb Hanns
Special thanks to @falconpictures_
, Pak @hbnaveen , Mb @er1ca dan pastinya Bapake @indrowarkop_asli
by @franswidodo_id
#tuturratih #lembagawarkopdkigoestomorocco #lembagawarkopdki #warkopdkireborn #falconpicturesindonesia