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I would like to introduce everyone to my first set of seeds Chixu Yinang! Being y’all ADOP has been and honor, through all the ups and downs, y’all showed me countless heart and perseverance and I cannot be more proud of them men y’all have become. Forever and immensely proud of the both of you, now its your time to flourish and put in work #JWUBetas #Fall18 #ImAWholeADOP #ADOPMerakari #MySeeds #ChapterGrowing #75 #Nezaxiu #76 #Rahmor #LastSingleLetteredLine #PsiLine #ShowMyNeosSomeLove
Your Thursdays are about to get a lot more KommandinG! Starting up the #ThrivingThursday series with none other than our baby Kaptain Celina Edwards. .
She is a proud Puerto Rican from Milwaukee aspiring to open a private practice with an emphasis on womxn that have been victims of abuse.
When she’s not working hard to be a future doctor of Psychology, she loves to work out ♂️shopand knit. .
Why SLG? “I love the emphasis on empowering other womxn because womxn we’re taught to compete against and compare ourselves to others and we need to change that narrative “
#womynofdistinction #fall18 #slg #thrivingthursday