fanarmy flowarts firefans fantech fanflow fans forgedcreations techfans flow flowstagram fireflow flowartist firedance flowartsmovement girlswhoflow love music silkfans веерныйпереполох doodlegrip faimedia fireperformer flowart flowfans model russiangripfans silkfandancing веера bangtansonyeondan fanfloweverywhere
Shaking the dust that's settled on my original prop at our first Fire Jam of 2019. I'd somehow forgotten how toasty the Russians are; I think my goal for spring is to stop dallying so much with my dragon and relearn how to use burning fans feels like idk how to stay clean with anything but weaves now bellyache (Marian Hill Remix) - Billie Eilish
#russiangripfans #firefans #russianfans #fansflow #firespinning #flowstagram #practicemakesprogress #objectmanipulation #fireflow #fanarmy #spinallthethings
Sadly back home, but still super happy and recharged ☀️
Gave a try to #sbrf_challenge day 17, awesome sequence by @elenkazuykova (ooops I skipped a tracer but got lost in the flow )
@svetobobr @lip_fest #flowarts #fanarmy #russiangripfans #techfans #svetobobr #flowstagram #faimedia #flowartlounge #fandance #fanspinnersofig #stainedglassfans
Well, this is my variation for #sbrf_challenge - day 2
#russiangripfans #fansspam #fans #stopdropandspin #всибиринекрутят #крутятвсе #веера #веерныйпереполох #stopdropandspin #objectmanipulation
Playing with the grid today! Ive been feeling super inspired by my fans lately and different concepts and sequences keep popping into my head which is exciting :) •
Using this as my #stopdropandspin for @aquarian.flow.goddess @flogangbaby @pyrodidas @kateyeo_ @fluid_unity @azulaflow @anai.reyes @hoopinginspace @plasticcircles and passing it to @_reciprocator_ @third3y3feline @flowswithfire •
#fanarmy #fanflow #fanlove #flowart #flowlove #forgedcreations #doodlegrips #flowartistsofig #techyfanspinners #techyfans #techyfanspinnersofig