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When you temporarily restrict calorie consumption, you use up all the sugar stores in your body. Sugar is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Once this “easy” energy is used up, your body will then begin need to access your fat stores, and begin using it for energy.
This is exactly what you want to be doing — losing weight by using up unwanted fat stores on the body.
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When inflammation occurs in your body on a regular basis, such as from constant introduction of unhealthy food substances, your body can become chronically inflamed. Chronic inflammation is an autoimmune disease. Your body’s defense system switches from protecting you and starts to attack itself and slowly leads to a metabolic breakdown, which can lead to serious, long-term health consequences.
Studies have indicated that periods of intermittent fasting result in the following anti-inflammatory responses:
1. Positive changes in the overall composition of gut microbiota
2. Reduction of insulin resistance
3. Increased immune response in cells
4. Production of a compound (β-hydroxybutrate) that blocks part of the immune system involved in inflammatory disorders like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or Alzheimer's disease
4. Significant reduction of inflammatory markers (cytokines, C-reactive protein)
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Autophagy breaks down cells that aren’t functioning very well, then salvages the remaining good ones, recycling the components to build new, healthy and fresh cells.
You activate autophagy through fasting. Many consider this cellular cleaning system the most powerful anti-aging technique.
It begins to activate at the 12th hour of fasting but for superior results we recommend longer.
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