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YouTube : ScorpLB
Use code : ScorpLB in itemshop ♥️
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5k Teamtage Preview‼️ Alterations are going to made, but this is the early stage of our teamtage to get things hyped up. Share to all to get things hyped up for a full release on a date yet to be decided .
Editor - @romar_edits
Big thanks to our editor Romar for making things happen and taking on this task alone‼️
Introducing another new recruit- @cracked.phxnz —————————————————————
Follow @team.cracked .
• .
#controllergang #letsgetcracked #eunrc #h1ghsky1 #alpharc #releasethehounds #evaderc #swyftgaming #swyftrc #fazeup #tfue #ninja #fortnitefunny #fortnitebattleroyalememes
#fearchronic #teambh
@surge.yagi and @lucasbyars.clips are tearing it up in worlds. Watch out for this duo.
Follow @team.surge for more!
(Tags). #battleroyale #fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #gaming #fortnitebr #playstation #fortnitememes #fortnitefunny #victoryroyale #gamer #twitch #fearchronic #xbox #youtube #epicgames #battle #royale #fortniteclips #duos #squads #fortnitecommunity #solos #controller #games #Marshmello #dakotaz #ps4 #clips #highlights #oof