fieldinstruments instrumentation processautomation automation fieldwork worklife ccst control electrical electrician industrialinstrumentation instrumentationandcontrol instrumentationtechnician instrumenttech process processmaintenance repair technician technology troubleshooting work install instrumentationlife technicianlife myofficetoday sensors calibration flowmeter outdoorlifestylejob академияпобедителеймгн
Tubing for Purge air for fire eyes... #electrical #instrumentation #Industrialinstrumentation #automation #process #control #instrumentTech #instrumentationtechnician #fieldinstruments #processautomation #processmaintenance #electrician #instrumentationandcontrol #technician #technology #troubleshooting #install #repair #ISA #work #worklife #CCST #productivity #fieldwork #shiftwork #bluecollar #burner #tubing #bender
My favorite activity, tracing down transients. This one is driving a mag meter to show flow when the lines are down. Traced to a single floating drain running parallel to a 480 line. Repaired and moving back to MI for more area velocity fun tomorrow. #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#wastewatertreatmentplant #cleanenvironment
It got a little hot... back up and going...#electrical #instrumentation #Industrialinstrumentation #automation #process #control #instrumentTech #instrumentationtechnician #fieldinstruments #processautomation #processmaintenance #electrician #instrumentationandcontrol #technician #technology #troubleshooting #install #repair #ISA #work #worklife #CCST #productivity #fieldwork #temperature #temp
Pump it up... just not to much... it is only a 28 inch manometer ;-) #electrical #instrumentation #Industrialinstrumentation #automation #process #control #instrumentTech #instrumentationtechnician #fieldinstruments #processautomation #processmaintenance #electrician #instrumentationandcontrol #technician #technology #troubleshooting #install #repair #ISA #work #worklife #CCST #productivity #fieldwork #underpressure #pressure
Running a lit bit of tubing tonight...#electrical #instrumentation #Industrialinstrumentation #automation #process #control #instrumentTech #instrumentationtechnician #fieldinstruments #processautomation #processmaintenance #electrician #instrumentationandcontrol #technician #technology #troubleshooting #install #repair #ISA #work #worklife #CCST #productivity #tubing #fieldwork
It’s calibration day, and in a very relaxed environment as evidenced by the rocking shoes. The one thing we have to say about Rosemont is this, they are very stabile instruments, the most out of calibration output we’ve seen on this job (so far) is .0075% of zero (fs less than .001). Their coils are also incredibly robust and give excellent service life. Found a new use for @revmarkmarker , when you forget your ca stickers at your desk, a tiny white spot on the Rosemont blue takes care of it (and of course a return trip to properly sticker). Veto Tech-MCT keeps impressing. It’s been overloaded way more than it should and the zippers are still in great shape and smooth as when I first opened it. #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#calibration #sparkylife
Chlorine system repair. Literally used every kind of tool in my bag, plus borrowed some from the client (a mallet isn’t usually part of my kit) kinda felt like Nick or Mike on this job. Bad load cells on the scale, swapped for a spare and repaired the analog loop (shorted out by the last tech, thanks whoever you are), repaired a smart valve, injection valve, ran new control wire due to chlorine exposure. These Regal systems are amazing unless you install them improperly by not properly sealing off conduit etc (fun story, we are now Regal reps when I get time to fill out their paperwork due to today’s adventure). Great way to end a Friday, client is back on automatic, the citizens have good residual chlorine in their water again and I get to rest till Toledo tomorrow. Be safe out there everyone, I’m outta here! #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#calibration #electricalpanel #sparkylife
Little callout for water tower level controls. Pressure transmitter mated to radio to setpoint relay control. Once again, fluke for the win in diagnosing the fact that someone had messed with the set points♂️I did fix that problem rather permanently (third time it’s happened here) by potting the adjustment terminals with epoxy, figure the risk of drift is lower than risk of helpful souls♂️. #instrumentation #remotemonitoring
#calibration #electricalpanel #sparkylife
Trying to make new match the old..
#electrical #instrumentation #Industrialinstrumentation #automation #process #control #instrumentTech #instrumentationtechnician #fieldinstruments #processautomation #processmaintenance #electrician #instrumentationandcontrol #technician #technology #troubleshooting #install #repair #ISA #work #worklife #CCST #productivity #fieldwork #tubing #pipebending #bender