fiestababyshower babyshower fiesta fiestani babyshowerparty artgiftsbogota babyshower_artgifts bogota celebracionesbogota festababyshower fiestasbogota fiestasinfantilesbogota osita_artgifts decoracion fiestadeni animadoresdelfiesta babyshowerideas cajitas decoraciondefiestas decoraciondelfestas dulcespersonalizados fiesta40 fiesta50 fiesta60 fiestabautizado fiestabodas fiestahijos fiestapersonajespersonalizados fiestarevelacion fiestas30 bosque_artgifts
Absolutely overwhelmed from the love my family received today. Being able to welcome new life onto this earth is a blessing in its self. But to recognize and experience how loved my daughter truly is, held me nothing but emotional. The group of women that are in my circle are out of this world. Each of them a light unto their own, and I am honored. Lil miss Leila is soon to make her appearance and she will be welcomed by so much love and light. Thank you to everyone who aided and joined in on this beautiful day✨ #Godisgood #lawofattraction #babyshower #fiestababyshower #bohemianbabyshower #bohemian #freepeople #balloongarland #bohodecor #maternityphotography #positivevibes #positivity #lightworker #childoflight #indigochild #gemini #leo #virgo #firstgrandchild #crunchymama #awakening #temecula
Taco ‘bout Babies New favorite theme alert!! I had the privilege of creating this set for a joint baby shower celebrating the upcoming arrival of a baby boy and girl I love all of the cookies, but those little swaddled taco babies?! Come on!!
Girly romper design by @goodiesbakery.brooklyn
#customsugarcookies #royalicing #tacoboutababy #tacoboutababyshower #tacocookies #letstacoboutababy #babyshowercookies #maracacookies #tacoswaddle #babyburrito #cactuscookies #fiestababyshower #fiestacookies #fiestaromper #cactusonesie #fiestashower #serapecookies