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FİLM ADI; Gilbert’ın Hayalleri
@videokasasi @videokasasi
Daha fazlası için takip edin @videokasasi @videokasasi @videokasasi @videokasasi @videokasasi Görmesini istediğin 3 arkadaşını etiketle #film #kadın #aksiyon #sahne #kız #filming
KONUSU; Küçük bir kasabada sıradan bir yaşam süren Gilbert'ın hayatı sorumluluklarından ibarettir. Bir yandan obezite hastası annesi, diğer yandan ise otizm hastalığıyla mücadele eden kardeşiyle ilgilenmek zorundadır. Hayatında en olağandışı durum ise kasabalarından geçmekte olan Becky ile karşılaşması olur. Becky, Gilbert'ın hayatına adeta bir güneş gibi doğar. Ona daha önce hiç karşılaşmadığı bir şeyi, aşkı armağan eder. Ancak Gilbert'ın omuzlarındaki sorumlulukları bu aşkın arasında devasa bir engel olarak durmaktadır.
Running Man Filming
Yoo Lee brother syuting Running Man hari ini
#runningman #rm #런닝맨 #filming #everything_filming #Everything_Apr #7012 #❤ #Race #Haha #Yangsechan #Yoojaesuk #Songjihyo #Kimjongkook #Jisukjin #leekwangsoo #JeonSoMin #하하 #송지효 #지석진 #하하 #양세찬 #이광수 #전소민 #김종국 ⠀
Cr : zen__stagram
i remember when @rockwildermusic and i were in l.a when #filming #howhigh. we had so many amazing moments, but one stand out moment was meeting . we were randomly walking around and i spotted John Singleton, and before i could say anything, he ran up to us and said “yo, you’re rockwilder right? i want you to do the music in my next movie.” i was like “OH SHIT” on the inside, but was like “that’s wussup!”. after we finished chatting and exchanging numbers, i was in the car begging rock to keep the relationship with him because black directors like john were rare. unfortunately we never reconnected, but i told myself if i ever saw him again i’d remind him of that moment. John you’re an inspiration to many... i dedicate my next project to you in honor of your legacy and the doors you’ve opened for many African-American directors/producers
"There is no good or bad weather, but only good or bad equipment." #CartoniSocial
@luca.noris filming in Stromboli with Focus 12 SDS.
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Capture Youth Lift Sculptor
@dior .....................................
#christiandior #love #dior #filming #katerinafetisova #modeling #music #capture #sculpture #instagirls #lifestyle #top #europe #mydubai #makeup #actress #beautifulactress #moscow #models #beautifulplaces #dubai #blonde #мода #beautifulgirls #backstage #fashion #style #travel #photoshoot