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Freelancing is best online business for beginners.
It helps you build a skills that will always put money in your pocket.
It also costs ZERO to start it.
So if you don’t have a few extra grand to start an e-commerce business.
This is the perfect business model to start you off.
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Here’s a list of skills that will always be in demand.
Take a few months and learn these skills and you will never have to worry about making money ever again.
Because ever single business out there needs them.
Once you get good at one and get clients from one skill.
Pick up another skill and start practicing that. You’ll be able to offer more for a higher price and ultimately make more money.
Writing a headline that catches the readers attention is extremely important.
That’s what distinguishes you from the hundreds of other emails they receive.
Throw in some curiosity and something they want.
And they’ll open it without any thoughts.
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These platforms are the best for cold outreach.
Try which ever one you want.
But try it for a good amount of time before trying another.
For some people, one is better than the other. So keep trying and see what works for you.
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Rejection is a huge part of freelancing.
No matter how experienced you are you’re going to get rejected.
So don’t let it stop you from achieving your goals.
Use it as fuel to go and destroy your goals.
Remember, every no is one step closer to a yes as long as you NEVER give up.
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Quality over quantity.
You hear that saying all the time.
And it doesn’t stop with freelancing.
Always write emails that feel very personal and that took time to write.
Not something that was copy and pasted.
Prospects can smell it from a mile away.
Once a prospect feels like they are the only ones that received that email.
They will be more inclined to hop on a call.
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