finlitmonth financialliteracymonth finlit financialeducation financialfreedom financialliteracy finance flm19 money personalfinance april budgeting universityofmainefarmington weloveourcustomers college cuinspire debtsucks education financialindependence fined ifcufined inspirefcu inspirefined international linkinbio motivation news savemoney savings studentloans financialwellbeing
Name something more on-brand than our wedding photos getting published by @CNBC. "Whether you choose to have a 1,000-person wedding or elope for a 15-person wedding, it's important to consider the goals you and your partner have for the future — and not what society has dictated an engagement or wedding should be.” Tap the link in my bio to read about how we're saving for the future, just in time for #FinLitMonth.
One generation plants the trees, and another gets the shade - Chinese Proverb
It’s Teach Your Children to Save Day, and I want to thank & give kudos to all the intentional parents who are making sure their children are practicing healthy money habits at an early age!
#teachyourchildtofish is a great resource to help start the money conversation and give the next gen the financial head start they deserve. Grab Your Copy Today [Link in bio]
What healthy money habits are you practicing with your kids? Share your tips in the comments below
Stopped by Bluestone Lane for a coffee break. Guess what: They don’t take cash! You have to pay by card or through their app. While I understand it’s quicker for transactions, I am concerned by our increasingly cashless culture, particularly because cash is so valuable in teaching kids about money (#finlitmonth reminder!). I just spoke about this on my recent PBS @newshour special with Paul Solman too. Check it out in my profile. #cashless #cashlesssociety #financialliteracy #flm19 #finlit
Have you paid down your debt? There are two very popular methods that people use to tackle debt.
1. The first is to concentrate on paying off the debt with the smallest balance and continue the process until all your debt is paid.
2. The second most popular method is the opposite. Concentrate on repaying your debt with the highest interest rate. #FinancialLiteracyMonth
#finlitmonth #retirementgoals #retirementready #wealthmanagement #financialtips #moneytips #supportmichigan #localbusiness #finance #financialadvisors #financialadviser #financialadvisor #financialplanner #financialplanners #retirementplanner #retirementplanners #lifeinsurance #moneymanagement
My spark for financial literacy arose from Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace high school curriculum when I was 16. I was captivated by how freeing a budget could be! Fast forward, in college I worked at a non-profit called Rapha House that provides aftercare and safe houses for victims of human trafficking internationally. As the Donations Coordinator, I saw how generous people made lasting impacts on young survivors across the world by simply making gifts to Rapha House apart of their monthly budgets. I also saw first-hand how human trafficking often stems from poverty, and I wanted to do my part to break that cycle.⠀
Now, I work at a social services outreach non-profit as a financial coach in the Kansas City area. I work with families with low income, most with only disability or social security as their monthly income. I love empowering those with lower incomes to be able to achieve their financial goals and overcome barriers to financial success.⠀
As for the future, I hope to continue my education and become an AFC® to better serve my clients and continue providing tools and support to individuals overcoming poverty. ~ Kristian Brennon⠀
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#MyFinLitStory #FLM19 #AFCPE #ValueofanAFC #IamAFCPE #finlit #FinancialLiteracy #FinLitMonth #personalfinance
APRIL 22, 2019: EARTH DAY-Oftentimes, we associate living eco-friendly with spending big bucks. Things like solar panels, electric cars, or living “off the grid” may not financially be an option for many of us. Luckily there are plenty of budget friendly alternatives to be kind to the earth that are also kind to your wallet.
Guest blogger Emma Parkhurst @emma_thompson_11 shares eco-friendly changes to your lifestyle that help you save money on the blog today.
#utahmoneymoms #usuextension #finlitmonth #financialliteracymonth #financialhealth #financialwellness #earthday #earthday2019
This April, we are celebrating Financial Literacy Month and reflecting on our new financial education programs.
We care about our customers making smart financial decisions that help them achieve their goals. Learn more at and take any of our financial education modules to win a gift card!
#FinLitMonth #financialeducation #weloveourcustomers #april