degrassirp fionacoynerp imogenmoreno degrassithenextgeneration eligoldsworthy brynnrumfallorp degrassinextclass emmanelson kenzieziegler lesbianrponly maddiezieglerrp miriamkatherine degrassi fionacoyne degrassiroleplay annieclark cristineprosperi dtng eligoldsworthyrp imogenmorenorp degrassitng elijahgoldsworthy openrp brynnrumfallorp
my name's fiona, i'm nineteen years old and i gratuated from degrassi a few years back. i currently work in new york as a fashion designer.
qualities : honest, loyal, kind, ambitious and easygoing.
flaws : anxious, impatient, overemotional, overprotective and perfectionist.
#degrassiroleplay #degrassirp #openrp #newrp #rp #straightrp #fionacoynerp #fionacoyne
Full Name: Imogen "Immy" Moreno
Age: 19 years old
S/O: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Likes: Photography, Romance, and Parties
Dislikes: Liars, Cheaters, and Haters
Family: Tagged on Top Right Corner
Friends: Tagged on Bottom Left Corner
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Tagged in the Middle
#rp #roleplay #degrassirp #degrassinextclassrp #degrassiroleplay #cristineprosperirp #imogenmorenorp #eligoldsworthyrp #drewtorres #fionacoynerp #familyrp#friendrp #loverp #boyfriendrp #girlfriendrp #birp #rpforgirls #rpforeveryone #rpforall #rpforboys #rpforguys #rpforanyone #openrp #anyrp