fioredeiliberi hema historicaleuropeanmartialarts schermastorica longsword gameofthrones historicalfencing schermamedievale fencing scherma tronodispade ilsignoredeglianelli sword swordfight martialarts hemaitalia roma arcoditravertino battleforvilegis castelliromani ciampino cinecitt cosplay frascati grottaferrata larper lasapienza lohobbit marino grottaferrata
Un Breve video di alcune delle nostre attività Sine armis!
#medioevo #schermastoricafirenze #schermastorica #scherma #schermamedievale #hema #hemainarmis #fioredeiliberi #gameofthrones #tronodispade #vikings #HMB #IMCF #knights #swordfight #armour #sword #history #fencing #longsword #artimarziali #sparring #historicalfancing #historicaleuropeanmartialarts #martialartslife #thewitcher #ilsignoredeglianelli #picoftheday #warrior #medieval
This week's vlog looks at the first three plays of Stretto and how they relate to each other and the rest of the system. See the rest of the video on our YouTube channel. .
#HEMA #Fiore #fioredeiliberi #longsword #longswordfencing #sword #fencing #swordfighting #swordfight #armizare #Sheffield #Sheffieldissuper #VisitSheffield #Yorkshire #martialarts #Gameofthrones #thewitcher #pommel #pummel
A quick clip from our latest Vlog. Controlled drilling of the Largo plays. Plan A, stab them in the face. Check out the rest of the video on our YouTube channel.
#HEMA #Fiore #fioredeiliberi #longsword #longswordfencing #sword #fencing #swordfight #swordfighting #armizare #Sheffield #Sheffieldissuper #VisitSheffield #Yorkshire #martialarts #Gameofthrones #stabthemwiththepointyend
Our latest Vlog by Exiles Galway instructor Tom Gorman is up on our YouTube channel. This time looking at Fiore's footwork with sword. ⚔⚔⚔
Check out the rest of the video at
#HEMA #Fiore #fioredeiliberi #longsword #longswordfencing #sword #fencing #swordfight #swordfighting #armizare #Sheffield #Sheffieldissuper #VisitSheffield #Yorkshire #martialarts #blades #knight #Gameofthrones #swordskills #footwork
Una Mano from Ivan's third private lesson this week. He's visiting us from the States and has no previous HEMA experience. So far, we've introduced him to elements from Abrazare, Dagger, Spada a Una Mano and Due Mani, which he's picking up nicely. .
#HEMA #Fiore #fioredeiliberi #longsword #longswordfencing #sword #fencing #swordfight #swordfighting #armizare #Sheffield #Sheffieldissuper #VisitSheffield #Yorkshire #martialarts #privatelesson
Dan had some axes. He wanted to play. There were few survivors. -
#HEMA #HEMAlife #historicaleuropeanmartialarts #historicalfencing #sword #swords #fencing #swordplay #swordfight #swordsofinstagram #historicalwesternmartialarts #westernmartialarts #Fiore #fioredeiliberi #martialarts #martialartists #mma #mmatraining #weapons #longsword #axe