firedepartment firefighter feuerwehr firefighters fire rescue brandweer bomberos fireman firetruck firedept firerescue ehrenamt emergency feuerwehrmann firebrigade freiwilligefeuerwehr chiefmiller brotherhood firehouse pompier berufsfeuerwehr engine firefighterlife firefighting paramedic retterherz stra firebrigade
Hitting the road for #FDIC! We are very excited to showcase both of these units at the big show. Kershaw (SC) Fire Department's lifted Ford Rescue-Side and Leander Fire Department's lifted #Ford F550 6x6 will both be on display in the Skeeter Brush Trucks booth at Lucas Oil Stadium. We will have additional trucks as the show as well, so stay tuned for more information! #FDIC2019
#cantbeatskeeter #firetruck #firefighters #firefighter #chiefmiller #fullyinvolved #mutualaid #firerescue #fireandrescue #siddonsmartin #wildland #grassfire #fire #brushtruck #skeeterbrushtruck #skeeterbrushtrucks #firedepartment #firedept #firefighters_daily #firefighter_brotherhood #firefighting #offroad #allterrain #6inchlift #superduty #supersingles #4x4
Heute war es ganz schön eng. Und sowas will geübt sein. Also trainierten wir heute Nachmittag mit unserer #Drehleiter in der #kulturbrauereiberlin #training #fireandrescue #firetruck #ladder #firebrigade #fireservice #firedept #firedepartment #prenzlberg #prenzlauerberg #berlin #dlk #feuerwehr #berlinerfeuerwehr
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"Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end... because in the end, it shows you a whole new world!
Make an attempt!"
~Manoj Arora
(Photo Belongs To @theroy) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ * Follow us @Evelyn.G.Southworth_ *
Make sure you push like follow for daily pics!
Thank you my friend
#einstarkesteam #firework #firedepartment #help #rettenlöschenbergenschützen #berufsfeuerwehr #firerescue #Feuerwehrmann #ehrenamt #fireservice #Lebensretter #feuerwehrauto #rauchvolunteering #112 #alarm #mehralseinhobby #firefighter #firemen #ehrenamtfeuerwehr #firefighters #germanfirefighter #freiwilligefeuerwehr #feuerwehr
"I've had tons of odd jobs, but I think that I would probably be a fireman because you get to see the results of your job. You get there and there is a house on fire. You leave and there's not a fire anymore." ~Luke Perry
(Photo Belongs To @theroy) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ *
Follow us @Jennifer.M.Frank_ for more
#fireservice #firedepartment #firefighter #berufsfeuerwehr #germanfirefighter #112 #rettenlöschenbergenschützen #firefighters #mehralseinhobby #Feuerwehrmann #help #einstarkesteam #rauchvolunteering #Lebensretter #volunteer #alarm #ehrenamt #lebenseinstellung #firework #firerescue #feuerwehr
"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him."
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ (Photo Belongs To @chifirevisual)
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FOLLOW @Evelyn.G.Southworth_
#lebenseinstellung #firework #112 #firefighter #firedepartment #Feuerwehrmann #berufsfeuerwehr #help #ehrenamt #rauchvolunteering #mehralseinhobby #germanfirefighter #Lebensretter #fireservice #firemen #feuerwehrauto #volunteer #firefighters #firerescue #ehrenamtfeuerwehr #feuerwehr
My first #repost comes from @themajestirium1 who has given me permission to share this with you all. Please make sure to like this photo on his page. Because this is all him. This is the brand new rescue that is being built right now at ferrara.
#fdny #mechanic #firetruck #firetrucks #firedept #firedepartment #firefighter #firefighters #ferrara #cummins #fire #diesel #trucks #nyc #nycphotographer #photooftheday #instagood #photography #art #newyork #pompier #brotherhood #feuerwehr #fireman #rescue #rescue5 #elite @themajestirium1
Beautiful wrap on Squad co. 61 located in Da Bronx. This is the type of character I love seeing on company rigs. #fdny #mechanic #firetruck #firetrucks #firedept #firedepartment #firefighter #firefighters #cummins #fire #diesel #trucks #nyc #nycphotographer #photooftheday #instagood #photography #art #newyork #pompier #brotherhood #feuerwehr #fireman #squad61 #fdnysquad #america #patriotism
Löschangriff bei einer Einsatzübung (ja Hohlstrahlrohr wäre besser gewesen, aber es stand gerade keins zur Verfügung ).
#alarmübung #atemschutz #einsatzübung #ausbildung #löschangriff #atemschutzgeräteträger #hemmingen #hannover
#Feuerwehr #ehrenamt #freiwilligefeuerwehr #firefighter #blaulicht #brandschutzblog #brandschutz #photography #firefightingphotography #firedepartment #volunteerfirefighter #feuerwehrfotografie #chiefmiller #firebrigade #112firerescue #retterherz #feuerwehrmann #feuerwehrfrau #einsatz #blaulichtwasser #canondeutschland @retterherzen @german.firefighters
Compassion can sometimes be tough to have and maintain in our line of work.... remember the patients we go to help is somebody's son, daughter, brother, mother, father, and those people would be crippled to lose them.....
A message from Rich Walters
"For all of the people who constantly say “let the addict die”, this is for you. As a result of Narcan, I was given another opportunity to live. As a result of Narcan, I get to be a father today. As a result of Narcan, I have been able to place thousands of people into treatment over the past couple of years. As a result of Narcan, I have been able to carry a message of freedom to countless people. As a result of Narcan, I am able to help restore my community. As a result of Narcan, I am able to be a loving son. As a result of Narcan, I am able to thrive! The only thing that Narcan enables is breathing. Since when did we become so desensitized as a society, that we think it’s ok to let any person die. Cast this out and show the world that Narcan saves lives, and the life that it saves might just be the person that helps your loved one find hope." - Rich Walters