fitforduty thinblueline sheepdog swolepatrol bluelivesmatter backtheblue lawenforcement police aboveandbeyond actofkindness holdtheline leadbyexample oathofhonor relentlessdefender aherorememberedneverdies officersafety stayvigilant thickblueline wefightwhatyoufear weownthenight alwaysstrapped bluelinebeasts fitcops k9dog uspolice bluelinefitness fit_and_blue igotyoursix inked5oh inkedcops holdtheline
Leg accessories went okay considering I left my headphones in my car and it’s pouring out But I got it done ✅ .
#getyourdone #legday #lockerroomselfie #girlswholiftheavy #girlswhopowerlift #fitchick #powerliftingchicks #girlswithmuscle #fitforduty #marathonnotasprint #progressnotperfection #leaningout #absoluteunit #yeet
Being back on day shift means I can actually function like a normal human, I won’t get hit in the face by swarming alien like bugs attracted to my lights, I can go home and cook a REAL hot meal instead of eating sour patch kids and and semi stale Cheetos and I can actually see license plates without having to use bionic night vision goggles and I’m pretty stoked about that ➡️
#femaleofficer #thinblueline #thinbluelinefamily #backthebadge #backtheblue #policeofficer #fitforduty #sheepdog #lawenforcement #bluelivesmatter #firstresponders #lawenforcementfamily #wearthebadge #fitfemales #humanizethebadge #ladycop #nightshift #dayshift #icanseeclearlynow
@daves__not__home really snapped on this one
. .
He’s going to be making them into stickers, anyone interested in one let me know so I can gauge how many to order!! .
#femaleofficer #thinblueline #thinbluelinefamily #backthebadge #backtheblue #policeofficer #fitforduty #sheepdog #lawenforcement #bluelivesmatter #firstresponders #lawenforcementfamily #wearthebadge #fitfemales #humanizethebadge #ladycop #nightshift #peach #cartoon #stickers
Because sometimes I just want to throw down a little extra protein for them lunchtime gains ♂️. .
Anyone having anything good for lunch today? P.S usually I’ll have some veggies with this but I felt like living on the edge . .
#lunchtime #proteingains #shifttip #stayreadyhq #thinblueline #fitcops #policefitness #stayready #fitforduty #butwhereismyveggies
The best way to start my day off right is 1. Throwing on some @combatironapparel and 2. Getting to my favorite gym @idahofitnessfactory
Featured is the "God, Guns & Freedom Tee (even though you can't see the back of my shirt ) and my favorite shaker: The JST FKN LFT cyclone shaker.
Code: KAMBRY15 for 15% off on
PS..I need more tattoos ♀️
#combatironapparel #sponsoredathlete #morninggym #idahofitnessfactory #workoutapparel #workoutgear #tacticalathlete #tacticalfitness #militarymuscle #militarygirl #militarywomen #militarybadass #militaryfitness #fittofightfire #fitforduty #fitforthefire #fitfirstresponders #firstresponder #firstresponderfitness #firefightergirls #firefighter #firefighterfit #firefighterfitness #firefightersofinstagram #firefighterworkout #airforcewomen #airforcefirefighter @fit4dutycrew @fitfirstresponders @fitforthefire @firefighterffit @manchester_firefighter_fitness @ffprovinggrounds
We have to walk towards danger in this profession, which is what this canvas reminds me of. Not someone walking away from something, but walking towards it!
I absolutely love my canvas by @myherowearsblue Its the perfect gift for that special LEO in your life or yourself! Check them out @myherowearsblue or at
Be sure to use my code, HAWKINS for a discount!
#police #wolfhunter #sheepdog #hero #myherowearsblue #thickblueline #thinblueline #ladycop #womininuniform #_womeninblue_ #bluelineflex #bluelinebeasts #strong #fearless #walktowardsdanger #fitforduty #cop #leowife #detective #work #badge
I was going to post a done up selfie of me in a skirt and cute top and heels but nahhh. Figured I'd give you guys a little selfie of me in my most natural way I dress and act lol.
Always attitude and always in @combatironapparel
Don't take yourself too seriously. It's never fun that way.
Shirt: "Never f*ck with somebody who is willing to die in battle" in Tan. The material on this shirt is more of a thin, polyester type feel to it and of course I cut it into a crop and cut the sleeves off to show off those guns
Use code: KAMBRY15 for 15% off
#combatironapparel #combatironfamily #militarygirl #militarywomen #militarybadass #tacticalathlete #tacticalfitness #gymgoals #armgains #girlswithbiceps #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #girlswhotrain #chickswholift #chickswhoworkout #combatmedic #airforcewomen #airforcefirefighter #firefightergirls #firefit #firefighterfitness #fitforduty #fitfirstresponders #selfie #carfie #emtwomen #emtfitness #firstresponder #firstresponderfitness