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When you have cool friends, you get to be part of cool things!
@fleetfeetrichmond and @saucony reached out wanting to raise awareness and money for our projects at Keep Virginia Cozy! We learned about some new Saucony footwear to hit the trails with, and headed out into Forest Hill Park for a morning run through the fog. Each $ from the entry fees goes right back into our parks!! Helping keep the nature we all love COZY for everyone!! Be kind. Smile at strangers. Stay active. Follow new trails. Keep nature wild. Pick up litter. Keep Virginia Cozy! .
#leavenotrace #optoutside #keepvirginiacozy #saucony #fleetfeetrichmond #foresthillpark #leaveitbetterthanyoufoundit #bethechange #keepnaturewild #pickuplitterrva #trailrunning
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you cant’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. -Martin Luther King Jr. #onepeloton #running #runningmotivation #pelotontread #rvapelotribe #zerofksandi #youdonthavetoyougetto #togetherwerunfar #rva #fleetfeetrichmond #saucony #lululemonrichmond
Had a blast racing the shamrock marathon relay with these guys.(Somehow @mdubmiler managed to go the whole weekend without being photograph.) Finished with a first place time of 2:39:18. @theonlybhaze even got the glory of finishing ahead of the first place Marathoner. Thanks @fleetfeetrichmond for all that you do. #running #marathonrelay #shamrockmarathon #teamwork #fleetfeet #fleetfeetrichmond