flowartscommunity flowarts flowstagram flowartsmovement flow flowartist flowartlounge flowmies flowmiesofearth hooplove flowtoys hoopersofinstagram flowlife dance fire flowart flowartsfriday flowartstv flowstate wandlife hoopdance hoopersofig hoopflow hooplah circus firespinning girlswhohoop hooping hooplife tophammer
Mischief managed at my fifth @firedrumsfestival. I only took a picture of my buugeng 205 class, unfortunately neglecting my Partner Tech students and my FlowGnosis students. Special thanks to @mateus_shapes and @mrhanke showing up for the assist! Looking like @pricelessfest and @fahrenheitflowarts are my next two stops before Burning Man. More pictures to come!
#priceless #burningman #firedrums2019 #firedrums #flowartsinstitute #movementartist #eachoneteachone #buugeng #learn #grow #firedancing #firedancers #flowarts #flowartslounge #flowartscommunity #burnerstyle #futurestars #classof2019 #movementculture #movementteacher #objectmanipulation #juggling #flowfestival #flowfest
I promise I'm not as uhappy as I look in this one... just trying not to fall off the edge of the 1.6Km mountain
#stopdropandspin for my awesomely talented friend @flaymes_sleighs! Sorry it took a while ☺️ passing onto the lovely @geomattric @zack_nope @adam_spins_things and @spinnerkay
#puppyhammer #propdanceculture #oxbowmeteor #crowstyle #thingsonstrings #teambendystaff #dartlife #poispinning #freestyleflow #banyantree #flowartlounge #flowartsmovement #objectmanipulation #circusarts #meteorhammer #meteordart #flowartsinstitute #circusfamily #circuseverydamnday #flowartsuniversity #spinallthethings #flowarts #flow #flowstagram #freestyle #puppyhammerdaysofsummer #ropedart #flowfamily #flowartscommunity
That Technique
Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ @GotFlow ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ!
Artist: ☆ @skyflowartist ★
Think you’ve got flow? Tag us! #GotFlow
Fᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ↴
#FlowArt #FlowArtist #FlowArtLounge #FlowArts
#FlowArtsCommunity #FlowArtsFriday
#FlowArtsInstitute #FlowArtsMovement
#FlowFamily #Flowmies
#Flowstagram #FlowToys #MovementMeditation #ObjectManipulation #PropDanceCulture #Propmanipulation #HappyHoopers #Hoopdance #Hoopersofig #Hoopersofinstagram #HoopEveryDamnDay #Hoopflow #Hooping #Hooplah #Hooplove #Hulahoop #InfiniteCircles #LedHoop #sacredflowhoops
Voting for the trick for next tutorial!
Choose the trick you want to learn most: .
WRITE DOWN IN COMMENTS 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5!:)
❗️ The trick with the highest score will be in next tutorial post. And the trick with the lowest votes I think I will not show here ⠀⠀⠀
Много отснятого контента, есть забавный, задротский, занудный и спорный.. в общем голосуйте сами за тот трюк, который хотите видеть следующ в обучающем видео:)
Пишите номер слайда с понравившимся элементом в комменты - 1, 2, 3, 4 или 5 ⠀⠀⠀
Тот что наберёт больше всего голосов - я разберу следующим, а тот что меньше всех - думаю, что не выложу сюда сюда)
Meteor dart is so much fun but at the same time it could be so dangerous I have a lot of respect for this prop anything can go wrong no matter how good you think you are anything can happen at any given moment.
Like in this burn I did something wrong and the meteor dart landed on me, it happens I just always makes sure to spin off really well before lightning it up know your limits and always always do it but do it with Intention
Happy #flowartsfriday safe travels to all my flomies heading to FireDrums have extra fun for me with that being said I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend full of fun and awesome adventures
Fire tools by @dark.monk
#meteordart #ropedart #ropedartacademy #dartlife #dartside #flowarts #flowartstv #flowartsfam #flowartsinstitute #flowartsuniversity #flowartsmovement #flowartslounge #flowartscommunity #flow
Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ @GotFlow ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ!
Artist: ☆ @justinwoodcircus ★
Think you’ve got flow? Tag us! #GotFlow
Fᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ↴
#Circus #CircusArts #CircusEveryDamnDay #CircusPerformer #Cirquegram #ContactSpinning #FlowArt #FlowArtist #FlowArtLounge #FlowArts
#FlowArtsCommunity #FlowArtsFriday
#FlowArtsInstitute #FlowArtsMovement
#FlowArtsUniversity #FlowArtTV
#FlowFamily #Flowmies #Flowmiesofearth
#Flowstagram #FlowToys #JugglersofInstagram #Juggling #MovementMeditation #ObjectManipulation #PropDanceCulture #Propmanipulation #ThingsOnStrings
T-minus 18 days until @harrybrownsfarm let’s flow, let’s craft and dance! Here’s a little snip from @branchfest 2019
#poi #contactpoi #flowarts #flowartsmovement #flowartslounge #flowartscommunity #flowartsinstitute #festival #techpoi #poispinning #spinningpoi #propmanipulation #props #poichat
Sunday vibes.
Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡ @GotFlow ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ!
Artist: ☆ @caikachu ★
Think you’ve got flow? Tag us! #GotFlow
Fᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ↴
#FlowArt #FlowArtist #FlowArtLounge #FlowArts
#FlowArtsCommunity #FlowArtsFriday
#FlowArtsInstitute #FlowArtsMovement
#FlowFamily #Flowmies
#Flowstagram #FlowToys #MovementMeditation #ObjectManipulation #PropDanceCulture #Propmanipulation #HappyHoopers #Hoopdance #Hoopersofig #Hoopersofinstagram #HoopEveryDamnDay #Hoopflow #Hooping #Hooplah #Hooplove #Hulahoop #InfiniteCircles #LedHoop #MoodHoops
had such a good flow session the other night using this as my #stopdropandspin the dope @flownohagakure & i’m want to see some stuff from @flowing.magnolia420 @flow_dreamer @zestyflowmingo
#flow #flowstate #flowartsinstitute #flowartsmovement #flowartscommunity #poi #girlswhospinpoi #techpoi #girlsoftechpoi #flowonfire #contactpoi #nature #ekm #evolkidmedia #gowiththeflow #rhcp #meep
song is : mssingno - XE3 ( whethan turn)