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A kid and his car.
: @tobaines40 •
@foresterculture #subaruforester #foresterculture #cars #fozclique #jdm #subaru @subaru_forester_team #slammedforester #slammedforestersociety #subieflow @subieflow @subiewoo @subiedaily #subienation #awdarmy #awdgang #wagon #wagonmafia #wagonnation @bttlwgns #carenthusiast @slammedforestersociety
A quick walk around the forester with the new look . Recently installed the front and rear side spats with the front lip also the front Cusco power brace behind the grill. Thanks again to @simple_kenny_ for painting the parts came out great make sure you check him out for all your paint needs. Big thanks @vvs_extreme_clarity for keeping the car shining like always. He has a great sale going right now so make sure you go check it out . Use FOZZY when booking appointment and receive 15% off.
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Posting up at White Sands National Monument.
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