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What’s good IG fam? We’re 3 days into Q2 and to be honest this quarter is starting off wayyyyyy better than Q1. We’ve locked in a new client which I’m REALLY excited about that we’ll reveal soon, working on something special to honor @nipseyhussle, I’ll be involved in a huge campaign (which I can’t announce yet), and we’re a few weeks away from #ForTheLoveOfKicks Part 2 presented by @cosignkicks & @centre214! The Marathon Continues.. Lets get it! #COSIGNLife #COSIGNKicks
I fell in love with sneakers as a kid watching Michael Jordan and Penny Hardaway play the game of basketball with finesse and a swag that I’ve never seen before. I wanted to be just like them, ball like them, and wear the same shoes as them.
Proud to announce that @cosignkicks & @cosignmag are working on a project and event centered around the love people have for sneakers/kicks. We’ll release more details soon, but for now mark 4/27 on your calendars and be sure to join us at @centre214.
Let me know in the comments when you fell in love with sneakers. #ForTheLoveOfKicks #COSIGNKicks #COSIGNLife : @ir_shoots