freefrompeople freedom freetobeme truth freefromopinions freelife bbold beinspired boldasalion byefelicia chosen daddysgirl dymeatab evolving eyesopen faith foodie freefrom freefromyou glutenfree glutenfreediet godisabouttoblowmymind godpleaser goodvibes growth imasoldier lifestyle love noneofyourbusiness nunya gospelmusic
Beautiful.otantik tribe, sometimes the best way to grow ; to evolve is to SUBSTRACT .
Toxicity is a danger for your health.toxic people are a threath to your well being.You already know how to recognize them , you know their capacities to drain your energies, they disrespect you, don't care about your boundaries, never there for your success, always around for bad news; they are takers in all form, always in need of something from you:your money, your time, your advices, your ressources, etc.....and they give back a litlle if not nothing .They don't value what you are doing , and don' t feel you deserve the best in life and show you that on different manners.Otantik tribe, whatever be the title of the toxic persons in your life: friend, co-worker, romantic interest, family member,etc....they must be removed from your energic space, put aside from your life.
You may be hesitant to do so, but trust me; whatever be the emotional charge of guilt or hesitation and pity that will go when acting in a manner to liberate your life from such negative energies ; you need to take the courage and do it.
The most difficult part of it is without any doubt the guilt we feel during the process, but trust me, at the end of the day, the guilt will disapeear and life will confirm you in various ways that you have taken courageous act for which your future self will thank you quickier than you think.
#toxicpeople #freedom #freefrompeople #liberation #levelup #evolve #removetoxins #nonegativity #positivevibes #positivemindset #goodenergies #inspirations #quotestoinspire #motivations #coachdevie #lifecoachingtips #lifecoaching #lifecoach#permissions #friday#quotestoinspire#motivationalspeaker#noguilty#noguilt#
♀️ WORD. There’s no amount of “rubbing elbows” or sitting with the right crowd that can outweigh the favor that God can give when we cultivate intimacy in knowing who WE are and WHO He is. When this burns deep inside of you, you will no longer feel the need to buy peoples approval or gain their “pats on the back.” The remedy is simple:
Love God as you love yourself so you can extend that love to others and let God bring the increase not by the striving of the flesh.
It took me years to truly understand AND ACCEPT THIS!! When folks avoid you like YOU have a communicable disease...or when you keep asking why so and so keeps treating you like you did something horrible to them...and you KNOW you simply showed love...yep, just read God’s word! This freed me from soooooo many people! #getfree #EscapeCoach #spiritual #godsword #freefrompeople #bethelight