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You see the world you want to see . . Photo: @sarashakeel . . . . .  #sacredunion #twinflames #twinflamereading #freepsychicreading #twinflameseparation #energyreading #divineconnection #divineunion #freetarotreading #twinflamesurrender #twinflamesupport #twinflamejourney #dailyguidance #cardreading #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #tarotreadingsonline #modernwitch

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

What are you RELEASING this week! Here is a tip that’ll assist you in dismissing pressures that may weigh you down! IT WORKS ! #bootzdurango #bootztarot #thehiphoporacle #intuitivereading See you fit a MATINGAY #bootztarot show! ❤️ #bootzdurango #thehiphoporacle #love #freepsychicreading

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

❤️Sacred Union Message May 25th 2019. Take what resonates. We have lots of reflection going on between sacred partners at the moment. Mainly emotions & moods being reflected in each twin. The DM is reaching out in this reading. His energy feeling quite strong. He’s telling his DF she reminds him of home. He feels safe & feels whole when he thinks of her. He’s also seeing massive signs & synchronicities lately. He just can’t ignore this anymore. There feels to be transformation in the air & new beginnings coming in general. June’s new moon is setting the foundations for new love. It’s time to take action & the DM is feeling up for a bit of communication. Well, actually a lot of communication. He wants to blab his heart out to his DF. For many there will be out the blue communication to meet up somewhere. The DM is feeling positive & is in a good headspace. He still has healing to do, but he wants his DF to share the healing & begin a new chapter in the journey! To donate an energy exchange- #sacredunion #twinflames #twinflamereading #freepsychicreading #twinflameseparation #energy #divineconnection #divineunion #freespiritualreading #oracles #twinflamesurrender #twinflamesupport #twinflamejourney #dailyguidance #cardreading #spirituality #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #soulconnection cards by @mystic_moon_oracles ❤️

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

Depression for me is exploring the depths of dismal energy for clarity and understanding. The key is to not get stuck in the learning and actually take what is learned into a brighter day! Can we talk!#bootzdurango #bootztarot #thehiphoporacle #intuitivereading #freepsychicreading #psychic

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

#BootzFasting Day #7 ‍♀️ Let Go and let GOD! See you tomorrow MORNING at 9:00am EST for #BootzTarot How’s your fast going? #bootzdurango #freepsychicreading #psychic #love #Charlotte #eyebrowthreading

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

✨Soul Connection Message for May 24th 2019. 8 of cups Many of you are starting to look within or are following your intuition when it comes to choosing what no longer serves a purpose. There’s new beginnings ahead in June, from love & new friendships to careers. At this moment in time you might be feeling stuck, lacking momentum or feeling quite depressed. This card is a reminder that your happiness must come first & by recognising this, you’re allowing for new projects & chapters to begin. 8 is a number of abundance & so keep this in mind when feeling indecisive about moving forwards in life. Just because a situation currently isn’t going in your favour doesn’t mean all is lost. This is a card of strength & about making tough decisions that pay off in the long run. There’s been many shifts in friendships already this year, lots of people have shown their true colours & their vibrations just aren’t matching to yours any more. That’s perfectly fine. We all grow & change over time. Let these groups of people go so more likeminded souls can match your vibration. Good things are coming your way. You don’t have to stand still in time either, get out there & make those dreams happen! To donate an energy exchange- #8ofcups #tarot #generalmessage #freepsychicreading #divination #tarotreading #directenergy #soulconnection #dailycard #dailyguidance #cardreading #spirituality #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #tarotreadersofig #movingon #psychicadvice #successmindset #psychicmedium

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✨Soul Connection Message for April 29th 2019. The Sun. What a wonderful card to jump out for a Monday! This is my favourite tarot card! Many changes have occurred of late, a lot of deep turmoil for many. Today, the Sun card comes to foretell of abundance & much joy will now be finding its way to you. I always see this card as freedom. The changes we have been through have been major tower moments that has pulled us out of many situations. This has now left us wondering what is next? Where do we go? We may even feel empty & slightly vulnerable. This card is telling you to trust. Trust that the multiverse has your back & is bringing something wonderful your way. New cycles begin now. When you work hard & see little reward it crushes your soul. Many of you are now awakening to see your worth. This is the perfect time to make a career change or to change an area of your life that no longer brings fulfilment. In love, many will find relationships deepening & further commitment coming. In sacred partnerships, communication is here. Within the next few days physical or 5D energy will bring a conversation from your sacred partner. This may be anything from a phone call to a realistic dream. Either way, it is something that will boost your energy & move things forwards. New beginnings are everywhere. May Day brings an equal love. A love that’s fair & one that brings laughter & play. Beltane reignites those flames of passion & the King & Queen shall reunite once again. To donate an energy exchange- #newbeginnings #tarot #generalmessage #freepsychicreading #divination #tarotmessage #thesun #soulconnection #dailycard #dailyguidance #cardreading #spirituality #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #twinflamereading #twinflame #twinflamesupport #abundance #prosperity

Hashtags for theme #FREEPSYCHICREADING

❤️Sacred Union Message May 24th 2019. Take what resonates. The DM is finally being honest with himself about this connection In more ways than one. Most importantly, he can see why he ran from his DF. This is a major breakthrough. He ran because he fell in love with a Goddess & he felt unworthy. The DM is still holding back because he is still in some sort of karmic cycle. This will soon be ending though. Instead of being another lover, this karmic to me feels more work related. Although he is doing well for himself & seeing successful results, he actually feels unfulfilled & it’s like something is missing still... (his DF perhaps?! ‍♀️Well until he figures that bit out, we still have separation.) This DM will be going through the motions of healing, purging & then he will get the vision. His DF brings him joy like no other can. DF’s, you really need to hear he loves you. You’ve probably said it to him countless times, faced with a wall of silence & feeling let down by his lack of enthusiasm. But here he is telling you he still loves you. The DM is dreaming of his beloved & feeling a massive pull towards her. Many DFs might be feeling increases in body temperature. No it’s not a hot flush. It’s your flames uniting! When you were together, remember how hot you got?! That intensity?! Well this is what’s happening again! You’re both hitting into each other’s frequencies & feeling horny! I’m pretty sure we have DM’s out there hiding their boners right now! Just go with the flow & enjoy the moment coz something is about to show itself in the 3D. Communication feels likely especially because the throat chakra wants to chat now we’re in Gemini season! Enjoy To donate an energy exchange- #sacredunion #twinflames #twinflamereading #freepsychicreading #twinflameseparation #energy #divineconnection #divineunion #freespiritualreading #oracles #twinflamesurrender #twinflamesupport #twinflamejourney #dailyguidance #cardreading #spirituality #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #soulconnection

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General Message for April 23rd 2019 A beautiful card that signifies a union within & externally. Today the energy coming in is unity. Take a look at the world around us, we have been divided by things such as Brexit & other political matters of late. Yet there is a 16yr old girl who is uniting opinions when it comes to saving this planet. This itself is a major breakthrough & transformation. The world is currently listening to Greta Thunberg. We can learn so much from her. When she’s faced difficult times, she’s continued on. She knows her dream is important & wont give up. Whilst all of our dreams may not be the same as hers, remember everything you wish for is worth fighting for. The universe is now beginning to bring transformations into our lives. Many are going through turmoil at the moment & it may feel hard to breathe or to see a clear road ahead, but this is all happening so that we find our divine life path. This is the year to find your life purpose & for some this will happen quite rapidly. New jobs, new homes, new beginnings in general, but whatever is to come will bring happiness & abundance. This card is also confirmation that sacred partners, in separation, will soon find things shifting. Communication is coming, as is an olive branch. It’s time to forgive & move forwards. A new chapter is opening & the future is waiting to be written. To donate an energy exchange- #transformation #unite #generalmessage #freepsychicreading #divination #oracle #freshstart #soulconnection #sacredunion #dailyguidance #cardreading #spirituality #spiritualawakening #freecardreading #psychicsofig #liveyourbestlife

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