frenchmaidsacroduo circus circuslife acro circuseverydamnday acrobatics frenchmaids acrobase circusismylove comedy adagio cleaning stronggirls acroyoga strongwomen aerialize sydney openrig welovethegong wollongong flexible circusfun byronbay circusmonoxide fallsfestival laughterhouseproductions splits backstage acrobase
#flashback to #fallsfestival #byronbay #2016/2017 #backstage waiting for our first #frenchmaids #show of the season. We were both wondering if we were going to survive working in this hot little tent for the week. We had a blast! Thanks #laughterhouseproductions for the awesome gig. #frenchmaidsacroduo #acro #acrobatics #adagio #circus #circuslife #circuseverydamnday #circusfun @louiseemclark @jemadeekara @laughter_house_productions #lapetitegrande
I have the best job. It's hard work a lot of the time, but I get to experience awesome things. #icantbelieveigetpaidforthis #illy #fallsfestival #byronbay #frenchmaidsacroduo #frenchmaids thanks heaps #laughterhouseproductions for the amazing gig #circus #circuslife #circuseverydamday @louiseemclark