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Yesterday I had the chance to see this amazing musicians and it was holy fucking great!!! A teenage dream of mine became true when Johnny Depp entered the stage, my heart was beating like never before and there were some little tears in my eyes. Only ten meters away from the greatest actor I've ever seen and also he is an amazing guitarist.
Also it was a great honor to see Alice Cooper again. I adore him so much and I still love the way he capture the hole stage and crowd for his show.
I'm so greatful for this wonderful evening, I will never forget. Thousands thanks to my parents for this perfect graduation gift, I love you so much! And of course a lot of kisses to @phteven69 the best Front-Of-Stage-buddy of the hole wide world
#hollywoodvampires #zitadelleberlin #johnnydepp #alicecooper #joeperry #stillcrying #frontofstagebitches