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You were warned. The Now Playing hosts sent a message--don't watch Alone in the Dark II.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to their review!
Is it really THAT BAD? is it "Hawrrable"? The review is up now! Listen at http://bit.ly/2reg8CF
#NowPlaying #NowPlayingPodcast #Movie #Critique #Podcast #Review #Spoilers #AloneinTheDark #UweBoll #UweBolla #AloneinTheDark2 #Witchcraft #DannyTrejo #LanceHanriksen #BillMosely #Awful #FThisMovie #Terrible #BurnIt
#Repost @iconsrobg with @get_repost
Another podcast?! Yep! My friend Patrick Bromley invited me on the F This Movie! show to go into detail about the process of producing the #DreadPresents collector's edition Blu-Ray's. Plus, we recommend our personal faves from other horror labels! If you dig my Just The Disc appearances, you'll dig this!
#fthismovie #podcast #horror #horrorpodcast #justthediscspodcast #justthediscs #shockwaves #shockwavespodcast #severinfilms #vinegarsyndrome #dreadcentral #epicpictures