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カップルシートって、こんなんちゃうと 思うでっ✋
#ヨークシャーテリア #ヨーキー
#カップルシート ??
#食べるんちゃうか ?思て びびった
#でも食べず 。。。
#ヨーゼフ には ならへんかった 笑
#yorkie #dogs #perro #fund
#sunnydays ☀️
#philip #peach
あたち、くいしんぼう やけど、
むいむい は たべへんのよーーっ
「ヒ」で寝る日、の ヒリップ。
#ヨークシャーテリア #ヨーキー
#枕 いらん
#おしっこシート のんが目立ってるし。
#便所 の横やで 笑
#便横 べんよこ
#なんでそこ ?
#寝てるヒリが好き ♥️
#阪神 の試合 犬は興味無し
#高山代打サヨナラ満塁ホームラン ♪
#yorkshire_terrier #yorkylove
#dog #perro #fund
#philip .
ママちゃんも いつも「ヒ」で 寝てるで
Думаю, многие понимают, что: после нас останется только то, что мы сделали для других людей, а также для общества в целом и для своей страны всё, что мы сделали для себя, умрёт вместе с нами
Раиса Нирадж Вед
Lady Universe - 2013
Леди Вселенная Мама года-2018
Многодетная мама,четверых деток.
Умничка-везде успевает!!! Applications for participants "Lady Universe-2019" and Lady Russia-2019
on our website
Dear friends and guests
Remind you:☝️
Lady Universe is a prize in the field of beauty, politics and business is awarded since 2012 in Russia only! In any other country, our contest is nothing more than a plagiarism!
Lady Universe-2018 is Fatima Lepshokova
Lady Moscow-2018 is Anastasia Skvortsova
Lady Russia-2018 (23+) is Natalya Shevchenko
Lady Russia-2018(40+) is Tatyana Dotsuk
Mother of the 2018 is Mariya in Russia Zinovyeva( four kids mother). Gentlemen of the year is Kasim Narbayev
#city #LadyRussia #ladyuniverse2019 #beautycontest #filmfareindia #ladyrussia2018 #price #ЛедиРоссии
#fatimalepshokova #missindia #ladyuniverseinrussiaonlysince2012 #пластическаяхирургия #ladyuniverse2013 #ladyuniverse2018 #lady #fundmoscovia #india #business #девочкитакиедевочки #gentlemenoftheyear #photo #berngold #fund #woman #lady #ladyuniverse #love #конкурскрасотымосква #jewelry #party #gentlemen2018 #ледироссии
また ぱぱちゃん の わるい くせ でた
#ペロペロ しすぎきぎぎーーー
#つかまえた !って言うて つかむ。
#yorkshire #yorkshireterrier
#dog #perro #fund
#playing ♪
#daddy #peach .
あたち、ぱぱちゃん と あそんだらな
でも すぐ ちょうし のるのよっっ
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#repost, please listen and read this
Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. I knew this disease is new for some people.
This is what CF actually looks like. These are the real heroes and the real warriors fighting every single day. Please follow them. @goodonwheels @jeremiesaunders @travisflores @fight2breathe @catchingbreaths @fightlikeabossfilm @meetthestroops @lung_story_short @cystik1 @ashleys.roses
This month @justinbaldoni Will be amplifying these voices and sharing their stories. This is why he made @fivefeetapartfilm. This is what Claire would want, also this movie is inspired by @claire.wineland life, and i think this movie is dedicated for her @claire.wineland.
After you see, read and reposting this video, i hope that CF-er can be noticed by many people, especially for those who live in a country that don’t know much information about this disease.
If you are inspired by them, please consider donating to @clairesplacefoundation or any other foundation that support and caring about
#cysticfibrosis #cf #fibrosiskistik #fivefeetapart #kistikfibrosis #disease #lungdisease #donate #clairewineland #sharing #caring #people #chronicillnesses #illness #donating #indonesia #penyakit #fund #paruparu