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Che bomba di squadra ragazzi!
repostato da @giananyeah
#mobamilano #mobagaming #moba #milanofood #milanocity #milanodamangiare #milanodrink #milanodabere #vertumn #pc #pcgamer #pcgames #videogamer #ps4games #gamingposts #geekstuff #gamingcenter #gamingbar #rogitalia #jointherepublic #asus #asusrog
End off your Ramadan right with a gaming center that celebrates every occasion in the best way. 360 Degree is always giving away prizes with our system that allows you to play for points, so enjoy your rewards just in time for Eid! Our welcoming community and exciting technology can’t be found anywhere else in the world - come on in and experience the fun!
: @videomi___
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Türkiye'nin yüksek performanslı oyun ve espor merkezi Istiklal Caddesi Fitaş Pasajı'nda açıldı!
Oyun dünyasının ünlü isimleri espora hazır FDR teknolojisini ilk deneyenler oldu. Herkesi FDR Oyun Cumhuriyeti'ne bekliyoruz!
#FDR #oyuncumhuriyeti #gaming #oyunmerkezi #esports #gamingcenter #gamer #espor #oyun
The game that came out of nowhere and is making a storm in the gaming world. Some say it's a Fortnite killer or it's just a temporary hype?
You guys played the game yet? Tell us what you think.
#apexlegends #1up #1upgamingcenter #1upstudios #gaming #videogames #fortnitekiller #Doha #qatar #middleeast #gamingcenter #games #newgames #firstpersonshooter