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Deadlifts from Thursday this week. Positioning felt fucked the whole time and nothing really felt on. Plus the whole time my thought was please don’t RE rip this callous on your hand that opened last week and as you can see from video 2 the callous didn’t listen. This should make it so I don’t rip anything at the kern though #bridgefordstrengthsystems #kernusopen #powerlifting #deadlifts #norsefitness #feedmefightme #pioneerfit #hashtag #garagegym #liftheavy #fitness fitness #callous #power lifter #norse #garagegym
Dynamic Upper! Had some people ask if we could do something for people who don’t have a lot of special equipment. With 2 pins and a handful of bands you can smash yourself into next week. These were just a few of the movements @jake_schum and I did today. I’m sure you can come up with more!
Until next time!
#HardWorkAintDead #WestsideForAthletes #IfYouDontLikeTheShowChangeTheChannel #TryNewShit #LiftAndLearn #Sports #StopBeingStingy #Bands #ConjugateMethod #GarageGym #GripStuff #HaveSomeFun #StillBarefootThough #StayTuned2020
Just more dynamic work! -with @rob.golabek #nfl #freeagent #punter #upperbodyworkout #dynamic #speed #noexcuses #garagegym #workout #gym #fitness #bench
@nfl @espn @sportscenter @bodybuildingcom @westsidebarbellofficial @menshealthmag @muscleandfitness @muscleandstrength @roguefitness @repfitnessequipment @bleacherreport
Rain Dried up, time to Mix it up, battleropes are hell on earth #boxing #centurybob #battleropes #bodyactionsystem #heavybag #speedbag #cardio #battlerope #freeweights #boxingtraining #boxingmotivation #fitnessmotivation #attitude #fighting #garagegym #ufc #mma #tapout #bjj #healthy #fighting #fighter #noexcuses