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Happy Friday!! Remembering Scott's birthday trip last year to #Miami. Robie was very happy because he beat Scott at checkers. But Scott got revenge at Rock-em-Sock-em Robots. Have a great weekend and go do something fun!!
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When the summer sun gets too hot what do you do? Well go to the Antarctic of course.
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Take me out to the ballgame Pride Night at the Tampa Bay Rays Game. Great job #stpetepride ❤️
#gaypride2019 #gaytampa #gaypride #lgbt #LGBTQ #gaypassport #gaystagram #gayhusbands#gaycoupletravel #gayhusbandswhotravel #hubbies #husbandandhusband #instagay #gaycouple #travelgays #gaytravelblog #gayswithstories #gay_couple_travels #gaystpete #robieandscott
Hope everyone is having a safe and Happy Memorial Day. ❤️
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It feels like the summer has just begun. So many more trips and places to visit. Where should we go next?
#gayselfies #whereguysgo #gaywhereeveryouare #gaystraveltoo #gayswithstories #gay_couple_travels #gayhusbands #gaycouplegoals #gay #gaycouple #LGBTQ #gaypassport #gaystagram #travelgays #instagood #gaytravel #gaytraveler #gaycation #gayblog #gayblogger #norwegianair #hubbies #husbands#husbandsofinstagram #travelgays #robieandscott
We caught a foul ball! Last night at the Tampa Bay Rays Game, Scott was talking about how bad he wanted a game ball. Robie mentioned that it would be his luck that he would get hit by one. Be careful what you ask for kids. A little bit later a foul ball was hit and so was Robie's head, but Scott's quick hands caught the bounce. The advantages of playing softball. What a great Pride Night with the Tampa Bay Rays and St. Pete Pride!!! ⚾
#gaypride2019 #gaytampa #gaypride #lgbt #LGBTQ #gaypassport #gaystagram #gayhusbands#gaycoupletravel #gayhusbandswhotravel #hubbies #stpetepride #husbandandhusband #instagay #gaycouple #travelgays #gaytravelblog #gayswithstories #gay_couple_travels #gaystpete #robieandscott
Last night's Lisa Loeb concert at #stpetepride was fantastic! We are excited about today's activities and this evenings #pride parade. Everyone should be here to enjoy one of the best and biggest pride celebrations!! ♥️
#gaypride2019 #gaytampa #gaystpete #gaystpetersburg #gaypride #PrideMonth #gayselfies #gayselfie #gay_couple_travels #gayhusbands #gaycouple #LGBTQ #gaypassport #gaystagram #travelgays #instagayit #instagay #gaytravelblogger #gayadventures #gaycouplesofInstagram #wearetravelgays #lgbt # #celebratePride #robieandscott
Happy Pride St. Pete!!
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Happy Tuesday!!! So as we prepare for our next adventure can anyone guess what ship we will be sailing? No Cheating, lol.
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