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“The key that unlocks the Jacob's Wheel system is found in the ancient kabbalistic book The Sepher Yetzirah. There are various levels of knowledge and mystery in the text of this classic book. On one level it describes the ten sephiroth and 22 pathways of the Tree of Life, but encoded at a deeper level is the basic structure of Jacob's Wheel. ‎'א םע םלוכו םלוכ םע 'א ןרימהו ןלקש ןפרצ דציכ :'ה הנשמ ‎םירעש א"לרב תואצמנו הלילח תורזוחו 'ב םע םלוכו םלוכ םע 'ב :דחא םשמ אצוי רובדה לכו רוציה לכ אצמנו Twenty-two Foundation Letters:
He placed them in a circle [GLGL, גלגל]
like a wall with 231 [RL"A, רל"א] Gates.
The circle oscillates back and forth.
A sign for this is:
There is nothing in good higher than Delight [ONG, ענג]
There is nothing in evil lower than Plague [NGO, נגע]. [Translated by Aryeh Kaplan.] The book is actually an instruction manual for building a map of the energy cycles and currents that are flowing through our World (and our personal lives). GLGL is the mathematical key. It instructs us on how to arrange the 22 Hebrew letters within the Jacob's Wheel mandala by giving us the 'magic number' 33. GLGL is valued 66, where GL = 33, so that GL + GL = 33 + 33. This is the key formula. The Jacob's Wheel mandala's basic blueprint contains the numbers from one to 21, and consists of seven rows of three numbers where each row (or 'spoke' of the wheel) adds up to 33. The JW mandala uses the ordinal values of the Hebrew letters (1 to 21) to determine the correct arrangement (as depicted below). The 22nd Hebrew letter is positioned at the centre of the mandala.” Discovery by Patrick Mulcahy Jacob’s wheel could be the primordial atom to define with the whirlpools or vortexes in nature, a consciousness unit or the Etheric particle based on the different configurations of the 22 Hebrew Letters in the wheel. Different paths describing different energy flows. Independently, as Stan Tenen and Daniel Winter noticed, the characters of the Hebrew alphabet are projections of the Phi Spiral on the faces of a tetrahedron seen from different angles. #salahealer9 #consciousness #ancientknowledge #science #math #metaphysics #frequency #esoteric #gematria #spiral #ether

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Buy the Truth and sell it not.... the Great Awakening has been ongoing, the sleeping Lion has been awakened, the Lion of Judah is on the rise.... @yahu_rockblackwell @baycmusic @briancasey_je @brandontjackson @lucianomessenjah @kendricklamar @raspy_rawls @israels_jubilee @spraggabenz3 #hebrewisraelite #hebrew2negros #zionlexx #transatlanticslavetrade #gematria #hebrew #hebrewletters #authorsofinstagram #author #khazar #thirteenthtribe

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“Nine is the unsurpassable limit, the utmost bound, the ultimate extension to which the archetypal principles of number can reach and manifest themselves in the world. The ancient Greeks called nine “the horizon,” as it lies at the edge of the shore before the boundless ocean of numbers that repeat in endless cycles the principles of the first nine digits. Nothing lies beyond the principles of nine, which the Greeks called the Ennead.” – Michael Schneider. The magic square of 9 describing an interesting pattern where 72 is the centre. The average Resting Heart Rate is 72 bpm. 72 x 2 = 144 a D in music. The 12th Fibonacci Number is 144. 72 x 6 = 144 x 3 = 432, an A in music. The sacred sound of the heart of “All Things”. “All Things” in gematria adds up to 432 in Greek πάντα (panta). Image by @loganhow #salahealer9 #consciousness #ancientknowledge #hiddenknowledge #science #math #fibonacci #esoteric #esotericknowledge #numbers #metaphysics #philosophy #tesla #fractal #frequency #education #cosmos #physics #universe #vibration #energy #vortex #vortexmath #number9 #music #gematria #greek

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R.I.P Nipsey Hussle zamordowany. Był w trakcie przygotowania dokumentu na temat nie żyjącego już Doktora Sebi, @drsebiscellfood , który wyleczył z raka i AIDS tysiące ludzi naturalnymi metodami. Jego smierć to nie przypadek, tak samo jak smierć Prodigy i wielu innych. Kolejny zabity przez kod, kolejny zabity przez liczby #gematriaeffect Od dnia urodzin do dnia śmierci minęło 228 dni (228=death). Tak naprawdę nazywał się Ermias Asghedom (137) do następnych urodzin miał 137 dni. Pseudonim Nipsey Hussle 62 = sacrafice 62. Nie przypadkowy był również dzień morderstwa ani miejsce... To wszystko to na pewno jeden, wielki, zbieg okoliczności albo śmieszna teoria spiskowa. Jak zawsze... #wakethefuckup #k4lion #zemnazawsze43 #gematria #nipseyhustlekilledbynumbers

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♆3773 FLOWER OF LIFE. INFINITE CONNECTION. SQUARING THE CIRCLE. TETRA-HEDRON TETRA-GRAMMATON TETRA-MORPH MERKABAH ♾♾♾ AXIS MUNDI. SWASTIKA. CAPSTONE. INVERTED TREE OF LIFE. ROOTS IN HEAVENS. ♾♾♾ IHVH. KEY OF ENOCH. 13*28=364 UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF MYSTERY SCHOOLS. AS ABOVE. SO BELOW. ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STARS. VENUS. MORNINGSTAR. 3RD. SATURN. RULEROFTIME. 7TH. MERCURY MESSENGER. SCORPIO. 8TH HOUSE DEATH. BACKBITER. STINGER. JUDAS. SCORPION➡EAGLE➡PHOENIX VENUS LIGHT BEARER. OPHIUCHUS. 9TH HOUSE RESSURECTION. SERPENT. MORNINGSTAR. LUCIFER. DOUBLE HEADED PHOENIX G=33. EAGLE⬅➡SERPENT ♆PHOENIX APHRODITE. ISIS. JUPITER. VENUS. IHVH. TETRAGRAMMATON. TIN. COPPER. ➡BRONZE ALCHEMY BRONZE SERPENT. BRONZE ARK. BRONZE CHIRSTARCHETYPE. TRANSMUTATION. SQUARINGTHECIRCLE. 111 3VENUS 222 6JUPITER 333 9JUPITER 444 3VENUS 555 6JUPITER 666 9JUPITER 777 3VENUS 888 6JUPITER 999 9JUPITER 6-9 3&6 VENUS & JUPITER. SQUARING THE CIRCLE. MUSICOFTHESPHERES. 16.6666666667 11 6s. 9/11. 11th 144&666 360. 88. 9 6s. 69. 117. 67. 6+7=13. 6➡33 Count Up to 7. Count Down to 13. 7 Planets. 13 Constellations. 7 Glands. 13 Both Hemispheres. 7 planets. 7 chakras. 13 occult counting method. 13 26 39 52 65 104 117 227 234 260 273 364 481 819 864 AS ABOVE. SO BELOW. MACRO-COSM. MICRO-COSM. 88 CONSTELLATIONS 88 HUMAN ARCHETYPE BOOKOFLIFE MAKTUB ITWASWRITTEN VENUS. LUCIFER. MUSIC OF THE HEAVENS. THROAT CHAKRA. VISHUDDHI. MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. MORNINGSTAR. 1/3 ANGELS. 33.3333333333 16.6666666667 SATURN KEEPER OF TIME. 24+9=33 9 VAULTS ENOCH. 9 FUSED VERTEBRAE. RED CHAKRA. MULADHARA. 9TH HOUSE. SERPENT. OPHIUCHUS. VENUS BLUE. 3 SATURN RED. 7 3773 KUNDALINI. #gematria #ihvh #occult #numerology #kabbalah #astrology #platonicsolids #primenumbercross #genesiscode #alchemy #sacredgeometry #musicofthespheres #vortex #asabovesobelow #treeoflife #axismundi #pineal #grail #mandala #compassandsquare #octad #knowthyself #quadrivium #squaringthecircle #esoteric #aether #magnumopus #greatworks #hermetics #lostword

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Slide 1/10 @hermesthealchemist Are words or letters the root of a great design set in the stone, land and the cosmos from which numbers connect dots ? Gematria is the cryptographic significance of words, revealing their hidden meaning. It was employed by the Greeks and the Hebrews and is actually quite simple. The characters of both the Greek and Hebrew alphabets were given numerical equivalents; thus, any word, name or phrase had a corresponding number. (It should be noted that in gematria, zeroes at the end of a number and decimal points are disregarded.) Slide 3/10 : The Encyclopedia Britannica lists the mean distance that light travels from the sun to each of the nine planets in our solar system as follows (dropping all the zeroes). Sum/Pi ~ 3168 (Lord Jesus Christ in Greek). In the original Hebrew version of the Bible, Genesis starts with the word, Bereshit meaning ‘at first’ or ‘in principle’. It has been translated in modern versions of the Bible into ‘in the beginning’. Slide 8/10: A book called “ Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf” supports the work of Fabre d’Olivet who wrote “La langue hébraïque restituée (The Hebrew language restored). 913=λογωι = At first in principle = The word = Bereshit = Logos Slide 9/ 10: The Golden Section: Nature's Greatest Secret By Scott Olsen Is the the Logos the golden section ? At first in principle the Logos/Word was with God, “the Word is the principle, the golden section, the snowflake pattern?” Logos is the Greek term translated as “word,” “speech,” “principle,” or “thought.” In Greek philosophy, it also referred to a universal, divine reason or the mind of God. Logos = λογος = 373 (modern text) Slide 10/10 : The third snowflake pattern made out of 7 stars of David 37 dots and 6 hexagrams of 19 dots (green) results in 373. A powerful combination with 3 and 7. #ancientknowledge #cosmos #numbers #codes #principle #divineproportion #jesuschrist #hebrew #greek #design #gematria #bible #hiddenknowledge #creation #solarsystem #planets #alchemy #alphabet #universe #logos #speech #god #cryptography

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#starofdavid #sealofsolomon #hexagram #starnumbers #hexagon #hexagonalnumbers #triangle #triangularnumbers #primenumbers #geometry #sacredgeometry #wordofgod #logos #gematria #hebrew #arithmetic #math #quadrivium #alchemy #knowledge #wisdom #understanding #ikaramba

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Bright portrait posts for rainy weather days #College#Fsu#photography#lucid#graduation#grad#floridastateuniversity#floridastate#gradphotographer#graduationphotoshoot#capandgown#capngown#diploma#tallahassee#tallahasseephotographer

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Join Our Community > Help us in our Project "The Spiral in Nature" #thespiralinnature ••••• #repost #follow @salahealer216 who is a great inspiration for us. ••••• A little bit of information around the Key number 144,000 and the Key number 9. All is part of a great design showing that the builders and designers knew the major presence of 144,000 in the divine creation. There are tangible facts in many fields : architecture, physics, mathematics, geodesy, astronomy... There were 144,000 highly polished casing stones covering the Great Pyramid. All was already written in the sacred architecture. This Key was mentioned in the ancient scriptures as it is encoded in many parts of the divine creation and relates directly to the properties of light, the exact "Grid Speed of Light" was found by Bruce Cathie, 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second in free space. The speed of light on a Ley Line (energetic line of Earth). 144,000 is an ancient code of a "geomatrix system" used in the astronomical timekeeping Mayan calendar... 144,000 Mayan days = 1 Baktun = 20 Katuns. 144 is a fundamental tone frequency of creation, numerical foundation of vortex energy, encoded in the golden spiral on the 12th position of the Fibonacci sequence. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144... and 12 x 12 = 144 The spiral on the shell of a snail is the result of this amazing sequence. Beauty in nature. Musical instruments tuned at 144 Hz on a D scale unfolds naturally the healing frequency of the heart 432 Hz, A as the perfect fifth. 432 is a gematrian number part of this "geomatrix system" with other numbers of digit root 9. (4 + 3 + 2 = 9). 432 is the gematria value for "All Things (the universe) " in Greek παντα (panta). Deciphering letters, numbers and geometry brings all the pieces together showing even more the Interconnectedness of All Things. #sacredgeometry #pyramid #gematria #music #spiral #numbers #432 #connection

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