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Christening Baby girl Josephine .
#balloons #genderreveal #genderrevealparty #genderrevealsurprise #genderrevealideas #mommytobe #mommy2be #almelo #hengelo #enschede #deventer #babyshower #balloondecoration #itsaboy #itsagirl #verjaardag #baby #surpriseparty #Christening #doopsel #mrballoon #misterballoon #geslachtsbepaling #baptisme #bruiloft #sweettable #balloongarland #ballonnen #kerk #church
#BabyReveal #BoyOrGirl #BabyZamora #GenderReveal #GenderRevealIdeas #GenderRevealParty #genderrevealvideos #PinkOrBlueWeLavaYou #DIY #volcanoreveal #ElephantsToothPaste #genderrevealshow #itsagirl #GenderRevealVolcano
Thank you all for the kind words, we’re beyond excited with this news!
I’ve been asked if this was a purchased kit.. answer is no. My wife and I made the paper mache volcano, painted it and brought the supplies needed for the eruption. Very simple and fun DIY project to do. What’s needed.. Volcano, 2 liter soda bottle, dish detergent, food coloring, dry instant yeast and Hydrogen peroxide (we used 20 volume). For detailed instructions check out YouTube and search ‘elephants toothpaste’
Hope you enjoyed the video as much as we enjoyed sharing it with all.