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We're the ONLY Nootropic company in the World with a community that backs you AKA The AZOTH Tribe.
Check out a snippet of @iampradyuman on the Just The Tips podcast breaking down what separates AZOTH from the crowd
We’re building the most badass group on the internet and we want you IN
Wanna know more? Tap the link in our bio or comment TRIBE down below
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♀️Not sure why I’m even bothering to post in my feed because apparently everyone takes the summer off and never “likes” anything anyways… #ItsFine #IDoNotTakeSummersOff #AlwaysHustling .
♀️But just so you know, doing something is better than doing nothing. If a space is not functioning, add some functional shelving. Worry about the aesthetics later. But get things done NOW so you can actually use the space you own. #UseItOrLoseIt #Shelving #Temporary #JustDoIt #GetShitDone #MoveinDay #SomethingIsBetterThanNothing
Depuis que j’ai lu cette phrase je l’applique sur à peu près tout dans ma vie : ⠀
Le boulot, le sport, mes relations et même la cuisine ou le ménage ! ⠀
Et ça fonctionne tellement bien ⠀
Parce que tu habitues ton cerveau à prioriser le PROGRÈS sur le PERFECTIONNISME⠀
Et ça les amis , c’est la clé pour justement réaliser des choses en fait, avancer..⠀
Pouvoir dire « ok super alors ça c’est fait ✅ ⠀
Si tu partages mon avis alors reposte la photo dans ta story ❤️⠀
Lève la main en commentaire si tu es perfectionniste et que ça t’empêche d’avancer .. Je te défie d’appliquer cette méthode ⠀
#perfectionniste #procrastination #productivite #perseverance #travaillerautrement #getshitdone #realisersesreves #citationfrançaise #citations #motivationfrance #citationmotivante #parfait #parfaits #partage
The secret is simple: Work Harder Than You Did Yesterday!!!
People will always believe things are impossible until they’re done. If you have a vision, a goal, a dream.. then GO for it! You’re already ahead of 50% of society just by being able to Imagine & Execute! Just remember to enjoy the journey and every moment as you learn, grow and evolve. A lot of people will come and go, but as long as you stay LASER FOCUSED, absolutely nothing or nobody will be able to stop you from reaching the Pinnacle of Success!
#8WeeksToGo #NoShortcuts #Limitless