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Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

✅ 3 internships ✅ Phi Beta Kappa Inductee ✅ Google Generation Scholar ✅ Summa Cum Laude with a 3.95 GPA ✅ Full-Time Job with Deloitte in my dream city of New York, New York These past four years have been a journey, to say the least, but I give all glory to the Most High for his constant love and guidance. EXTREMELY proud to say that I will be graduating with my B.S. in Computer Science on May 10, 2019! Athens, you’ve been so good to me. Now, time to conquer the Big Apple. ‍❤️ : @issa.nigerian : @jujuonthatbeatmua ‍: @huesofindigo #Classof2019 #GirlsWhoCode #ChildofGod #BlackX #BlackExcellence #BlackGirlsGraduate #AlumnaStatusLoading #SorryForTheWait #MommaIMadeIt #WhoNeedsADegreeWhenYoureSchoolinLifeTho #RealBeyhiveGetsIt #OkayImDoneLmao

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

That feeling when you finally finish a project you have been building (in React Native)✨ Just in time for vacation! Paul and I are going on a road trip tomorrow throughout the states and back up into Canada to Saskatchewan to visit my family (that’s where I am from)! So excited to take you along and get some recommendations!

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

✖️Happy Monday✖️ Getting ready for a crazy #conference week I’ll be at the @omrockstars in Hamburg tomorrow and Wednesday mainly to see @oli.p_offiziell and then I’ll fly to Amsterdam to be (for the first time) at @thenextweb conference I’m so so excited for this! Let me know if you’re at one of them and want to meet for a coffee! ☕️ . Hoodie by @it_shirts_store . . . #code #codinghumor #tech #tnw #omr #softwaredeveloper #devlife #coding #programmer #girlswhocode #javascript #itsfunnybecauseitstrue

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

Code, but make it an aesthetic. ‍♀️✨ I have a confession to make: yesterday, I struggled. Then I struggled with struggling. Yes, that’s right: I, who so often writes about patience and trusting the process and being comfortable with struggle, hit a wall and had a mental meltdown. We were learning about higher order functions, and everyone around me seemed to be understanding the code so quickly. No matter how long I stared at it or how slowly I tried to talk myself through it, I just was not getting it. Every time I tried to follow the thread it would fray and tangle. My head hurt. My eyes burned. I felt stupid. Then I got angry with myself for feeling stupid. I felt ashamed for feeling frustrated and comparing myself to everyone around me. It was a vicious, gloomy cycle. This isn’t the uplifting tale of the lightbulb going off and me finally understanding the code, or even of me overcoming my negative mindset - that’s something I’m working on and will continue to work on. This is simply me acknowledging that I have work to do, as a dev and as a person. It’s me saying that if you’re struggling with struggling, you’re not alone. Don’t give up. I know I won’t. ☀️ #sdlearn #learnacademy #code #codingbootcamp #webdevelopment #webdev #javascript #learning #learntocode #girlswhocode #womenwhocode #dontquit #keepgoing #yougotthis

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

if you were able to believe in santa claus for like 8 years, you can believe in yourself for like 5 minutes #justsaying __ happy #coding creating and building my friends ‍⚡️ . . #codelife #codingislife #stemist #fementrepreneur #girlswhocode #ootdfash #fiercefemales #programminglife #programmerrepublic #workhardanywhere #womensupportwomen #devlife #contentcreators #worldofengineering #ilooklikeanengineer #engineeringlife #sheinofficial #talknerdytome #geekette

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

By @amaliaclairee ・・・ Looking like a pikachu, yet I’m feeling like a snorlax. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣‍⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ • __________________________________________ - #️⃣Use #dev_girls for a repost - ➡️Follow @dev_girls for more! - Or DM your pic directly __________________________________________ • #codegirl #girldeveloper #girlprogrammer #programmergirl #code #coding #developer #development #programming #programmer #dev #developers #web #webdesign #websitedesign #softwareengineer #softwareengineering #javascript #uidesign #reactjs #css #codingdays #workstation #geeklife #devlife #coder #програмистка #girlswhocode #womenwhocode

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

Birthday brunch is the new birthday dinner

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

When people ask me what my weekend plans are...✨

Hashtags for theme #GIRLSWHOCODE

I have always enjoyed coding, even if it's not my day to day job anymore, I've always found side projects to keep me coding ‍ . . . For me, I think it's the problem solving aspect of it - and seeing the end product of something I have put together. It's always a learning experience. . . . It's not the only thing I do in my spare time, for sure. But it's something I don't plan on stopping for the foreseeable future either ☺️ . . . . . Happy Tuesday! P.s. this awesome "Women who code" shirt is from @devherobrand ‍ . . . . #womenintech #womeninbusiness #business #girlboss #inspiration #success #successmindset #mindset #goals #work #workhard #fempire #feirce #dreambig #goodvibes #ambition #buildingbossladies #bossbabe #lifestyle #neversettle #instalike #instagood #igdaily #instadaily #photooftheday #potd #programmer #girlswhocode #codergirl #developer

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