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Для конкурса @julicosmo #бб2_1этап задание «Селфи», моя категория «Ниндзя»
Вбежать в последний вагон? Пфф! Увидеть вдалеке отдаляющийся поезд, бежать-волосы-назад, роняя тапки, три дня мчаться за ним на перекладных, опять бежать, лететь, плыть, и все-таки успеть на своё, уже нагретое внезапно погрустневшим соседом место. Фух, успела! Вот примерно столько событий пережила я сегодня в 19:55, нервно осознав, что конкурсное фото нужно выложить до 20:00
Feeling cooler than a polar bears toe nails! •
I love swapping out my glasses! I currently have three different styles that I'm switching between. I love being able to give my older frames some more love by customizing my lenses with @lensabl. •
You should check them out! If you have glasses that you love but maybe your perscription changed, or maybe you found a great vintage pair... well, now you can save 20% with Lensabl when you replace those old lenses when you use promo code HEARTSUN anytime this month! (June Only) Check out the link in my bio if you are interested! •
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It’s #NationalEyewearDay ! Glasses help you see better but they are also a fashion statement. In fact, they can become an essential part of a character - real or fiction. Think John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Harry Potter, Napoleon Dynamite, or Clark Kent without their signature glasses!
What other glasses-wearing icons can you think of?
Felt cute, will not delete later #fabulous
#dontcare .
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Clear your vision and focus on what truly matters to you
Comment below which one of these is your favorite 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣
Glasses by @tijneyewear
#tijneyewear #tijnhomelife .
#Shotzdelight #heatercentral #theimaged #portraitkillers #ig_color #earth_portraits #voguemagazine #pursuitofportraits #portraitsofficial #portraitmood #glasses #folkportraits #moodyports #portrait_vision #discoverportrait #fashion #instaglasses #eyewearfashion #glassesselfie #visualsoflife #eyewear #streetstyle #visualgang #bokeh_shotz #時尚 #igpodium_portraits #ourmoodydays #portraitsociety
“Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already” – Dave Willis
Someone else their success won’t ever dampen yours. Unfortunately, we still try to get ahead by putting others down. These days, someone else their failure has become another person’s success. Yet, most of the time, the biggest obstacles to our success are we ourselves.
We should help each other grow and succeed. In fact, you will be truly successful once you start doing this. Earn your success by serving others, not at their expense. Be of value to those around you without expecting something in return. Otherwise, you are just doing business. And if you have to actively (disrespecting, insulting, …) or inactively (hoarding knowledge, …) hold others back to stand your own ground, it only demonstrates how shaky that position is to begin with . . .
I always try to share my knowledge and lift others up as much as I can. Teach what you love and share what you know is something I try to live by. Be confident enough to encourage confidence in others and magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses. I truly believe that when you freely give out your unique expertise and make introductions for people, it will create a lasting legacy. Other people might still try to do it the old way … sure. But I don’t want to live a life filled with negativity. Trusting you is my decision … but proving me right or wrong is your choice.
So encourage others, remind them how wonderful they are, believe in them. Tell those around you that they are smart and capable of accomplishing whatever they set their mind to. When you help others, it may have more meaning that you will ever realize. Your words can be the much-needed pillars of strength for someone to pull themselves up at and reach their full potential. When you don’t do this just once in a while, but consistently, it will have a lasting impact on your life and that of others.
In the end, teaching someone about science communication, boosting their self-esteem or enhancing their self-confidence, and helping them be successful has never held me back. In fact, it helped me get to where I am now.
Remember☝️ … we rise by lifting others up.
Martijn out