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@goalies_edge_ student 12 year old Bronx.
Daily dry land shooting drill.
Bronx will shoot 100 pucks with players gloves & stick. Then 100 pucks with goalie gloves & stick.
As Bronx improves 10 pucks will be added each day. The goal is shooting 1000 pucks a day by the end of the summer.
Bronx will also take a few months off goalie training and train as a player. The goal is to develop Bronx not only into a puck playing goaltender but into a 3rd defenceman or fourth forward when he leaves the net to handle the puck.
#goaliesedge #goalie #goaliecoach #goalieschool #goaliecamp #goaliedevelopment #goalieskills #goalietraining #goalieskating #torontogoalie #goaliedrills #hockey #hockeygoalie #gthl #khl #ahl #nyhl #nhl
@hockeygoaliedrills_repost @hockeycanada
Best of luck to @shepdadyy in his quest for back to back national championships on Saturday. Go Bulldogs .
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#megagoaltending #themeoftheweek #goalielife #goaliemom #goaliesonly #hockeyislife # #hockeyfan #hockeylover #hockey4life #hockeygoalie #hockeygram #hockeyfan #hockeyfamily #hockeytraining#goalkeepers #goaliecoach #stickhandling #goalielove#goalies #hockeygoals #alwayshockey #hockeycamp #hockeyschool #nhlhockey#goaliecoach #ilovehockey #hockeyrink #skilltraininghockeylife