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Acts of the Apostles 1:8 -“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”
Don’t forget about your Helper; Happy Monday! (follow @david_a_fischer71 for more daily devotions)
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In the mood for a good weekend. Stay safe & blessed, God 1st.
Music- In the Mood by Glenn Miller.
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Also henceforth I am he; there is none who can deliver from my hand; I work, and who can turn it back?
- Isaiah 43:13
#TruthSoulArmor #ChristianClothing
Check the link in our bio for inspirational clothing!
✉️ bradley@truthsoularmor.com
#CustomClothing #Merch #CutAndSew #PromotionalProducts #ClothingBrand #ChristianApparel #God1st #FaithAndFashion #ChristianTees #ChristianStore #JesusTees #ChristianFashion #WearYourFaith #ChristianBrand #DailyDevotion #FaithBased #ScriptureOfTheDay #ThankGod #FaithOverFear #BeDeeplyRooted #GoodNewsFeed #SheIsLight #WomenOfFaith #GodsWord #WordOfGod #TrustGodAndChill #InTheWord #BibleQuote
For no word from God will ever fail.
- Luke 1:37
#TruthSoulArmor #ChristianClothing
Check the link in our bio for inspirational clothing!
✉️ bradley@truthsoularmor.com
#CustomClothing #Merch #CutAndSew #PromotionalProducts #ClothingBrand #ChristianApparel #God1st #FaithAndFashion #ChristianTees #ChristianStore #JesusTees #ChristianFashion #WearYourFaith #ChristianBrand #DailyDevotion #FaithBased #ScriptureOfTheDay #ThankGod #Devotional #SeekHimFirst #SheReadsTruth #WellWateredWomen #WomenInTheWord #BibleStudy #PowerOfPrayer #LampAndLight #Christian #ChristianBlogger
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.
- Hebrews 6:10
#TruthSoulArmor #ChristianClothing
Check the link in our bio for inspirational clothing!
✉️ bradley@truthsoularmor.com
#CustomClothing #Merch #CutAndSew #PromotionalProducts #ClothingBrand #ChristianApparel #God1st #FaithAndFashion #ChristianTees #ChristianStore #JesusTees #ChristianFashion #WearYourFaith #ChristianBrand #DailyDevotion #FaithBased #ScriptureOfTheDay #ThankGod #Christianity #ChristianLife #ChristianMom #ChristianLiving #Faith #ChooseJoy #ChildOfGod #WordsToLiveBy #ChristianBlog #FaithBlogger