gotochi postcrossing postcrossingswap postcardswap postcardforswap postcards postcrossing_swap postcardsswap postcrossingexchange postcardexchange ingelook lali gotochiswap krtek lynnesavailable meetingcard moomin postcard_swap postcardswaps postcrossingcard postcrossingforswap postcrossingswapping snoopy starbuckscards japan maxicard chara directswap forswap ingelook
I didn't post the pictures of the orders since quite a long time, so I hope you'll enjoy this post ☺
· #LetsGotochi
·#japon #japan #travel #voyage #instatravel #gotochi #gotochicard #sending #snailmail #postcardswap #postcrossing #outgoingmail #stamp #stamps #postcards #shapedcard #shapedcards #gotochiformcard #ご当地 #ご当地カード #ご当地フォルムカード #旅行 #旅 #日本 #ご当地フォルムカード交換 #切手
6 prefectures total visited on this trip to #japan and I officially have a collection! I was so happy when some of the post offices gave me free mini cards as well. ❤️ What are your favorite things to collect? #tokyo #kanagawa #kyoto #osaka #nara #hyogo
#sendmoremail #snailmail #penpals #happymail #loveforanalogue #snailmailrevolution #postcards #postcard #gotochi #postcrossing #stationeryaddict #snailmailrevival #snailmaillove #travelersnotebook #トラベラーズノート #コラージュ#トラベラーズファクトリー #stationerylove #mailart #mailmorelove
Happy Summer What are you most excited for about this season? I don’t like the heat, but I love family gatherings Pattern by @amigurumei but made with modifications because of differences in yarn and hook. #tuxedosam #sanrio #penguin #amigurumipenguin #amigurumibird #amigurumei #crochetersofinstagram #crochet #handmadewithjoann #handmade #redheartyarn #gotochi #postcrossing #mailbox #autumnleaflet
I went to the post office and was able to get the new Spring #Postbox card I hope you'll like it as much as I do
· #LetsGotochi
#ポスト型はがき #ポストカード #日本 #郵便局 #カード #ハガキ #かわいい #ポスト #ご当地フォルムカード #ご当地カード #ポストカード #gotochicard #gotochiformcard #shapedcard #shapedcards #gotochi #gotouchi #postcrossing #postcrosser #postcardswap #instaswap #postcards #postcard #cute #happymail #post