forthethrone gameofthrones gotseason gameofthronesmemes winterishere motherofdragons winteriscoming khaleesi maisiewilliams emiliaclarke jonsnow tyrionlannister aryastark daenerys daenerystargaryen gameofthronesseason stark winterfell sansastark targaryen westeros cerseilannister sophieturner asongoficeandfire kitharington love bhfyp kahleesi
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تا حالا دوقسمت داشته كه اون يكي قسمتم اگه خواستيد ميزارم.
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Night King | Mention your GOT friend.. .
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Finally a girl is no one
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Who is excited for the new season of Game Of Thrones ? ME !! I am ready for the battle! ❗️J-6 ❗️
#got #gameofthrones #cosplay #gotcosplay #dogcosplay #shiba #shibainu #winterfell #stark #jonsnow #winteriscoming #thenorthremembers #shibalove #instadog #dog #hbo #forthethrone #thedailyshibainu #gotseason #kitharington #shibamania #instashiba #shibalover #nightswatch
The #gotseason is upon us and I decided to tribute my fav scene from each episode! It’s was hard to choose but as Jaime is one of my most beloved characters he’s getting attention first! I really want him to solve the situation above...
What did you think of the first episode? Some people say it was too slow paced but I think it was perfect to show where each character stands and it’s not like nothing happened! Thats what we missed in the previous one, some build up before the action starts!
Keeping fingers crossed for my favorites to last ❄️
Leafy sea dragons are not nearly as fearsome as their name would suggest. They feast only on tiny shrimp and plankton and they don't even have teeth (and they certainly don't breathe fire). They spend most of their time moving sedately through the current, looking almost exactly like a piece of seaweed. They even have a nickname—leafies—and have been called ""Australia's swimming plants." Thanks to @david_palfrey for the footage.
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